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RcppArmadillo: 'Rcpp' Integration for the 'Armadillo' Templated Linear Algebra Library

'Armadillo' is a templated C++ linear algebra library (by Conrad Sanderson) that aims towards a good balance between speed and ease of use. Integer, floating point and complex numbers are supported, as well as a subset of trigonometric and statistics functions. Various matrix decompositions are provided through optional integration with LAPACK and ATLAS libraries. The 'RcppArmadillo' package includes the header files from the templated 'Armadillo' library. Thus users do not need to install 'Armadillo' itself in order to use 'RcppArmadillo'. From release 7.800.0 on, 'Armadillo' is licensed under Apache License 2; previous releases were under licensed as MPL 2.0 from version 3.800.0 onwards and LGPL-3 prior to that; 'RcppArmadillo' (the 'Rcpp' bindings/bridge to Armadillo) is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2 or later, as is the rest of 'Rcpp'.

Version: 14.2.3-1
Depends: R (≥ 3.3.0)
Imports: Rcpp (≥ 1.0.12), stats, utils, methods
LinkingTo: Rcpp
Suggests: tinytest, Matrix (≥ 1.3.0), pkgKitten, reticulate, slam
Published: 2025-02-06
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.RcppArmadillo
Author: Dirk Eddelbuettel ORCID iD [aut, cre], Romain Francois ORCID iD [aut], Doug Bates ORCID iD [aut], Binxiang Ni [aut], Conrad Sanderson ORCID iD [aut]
RcppArmadillo author details
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2)]
Copyright: see file COPYRIGHTS
NeedsCompilation: yes
Citation: RcppArmadillo citation info
Materials: README NEWS ChangeLog
In views: NumericalMathematics
CRAN checks: RcppArmadillo results


Reference manual: RcppArmadillo.pdf
Vignettes: RcppArmadillo-introduction (source)
RcppArmadillo-sparseMatrix (source)


Package source: RcppArmadillo_14.2.3-1.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-devel (arm64): RcppArmadillo_14.2.3-1.tgz, r-release (arm64): RcppArmadillo_14.2.3-1.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): RcppArmadillo_14.2.3-1.tgz, r-devel (x86_64): RcppArmadillo_14.2.3-1.tgz, r-release (x86_64): RcppArmadillo_14.2.3-1.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): RcppArmadillo_14.2.3-1.tgz
Old sources: RcppArmadillo archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: bsvarSIGNs, GRENITS, VEwaningVariant
Reverse imports: ADAPT, ast2ast, baygel, bigergm, bliss, CelliD, changepointGA, Crossover, dexter, dexterMST, diffuStats, DOVE, drclust, echos, EFAfactors, evinf, FLightR, Glarmadillo, GPCERF, GWASinlps, HiGarrote, iDOVE, imagine, inferCSN, joineRML, lessSEM, lifepack, Linnorm, MADMMplasso, malan, mlrv, navigation, noisysbmGGM, PCPS, regmed, roboBayes, scde, scGPS, sgdGMF, simPop, slalom, slasso, sstvars, SYNCSA, updog, vcpen
Reverse linking to: abclass, abcrf, abn, acc, AcceptReject, acebayes, ACEt, ACSSpack, activegp, adaHuber, ADAPT, adaptIVPT, ade4, adjclust, adjSURVCI, ADMM, ADMMsigma, aftgee, aftsem, afttest, agcounts, ahMLE, aifeducation, aihuman, AllelicSeries, alpaca, AlphaSimR, alqrfe, Amelia, AMISforInfectiousDiseases, anMC, ANN2, AntMAN, aorsf, apollo, ARCensReg, ARCokrig, arrApply, aRtsy, asmbPLS, ASV, ATAforecasting, ATNr, autoRasch, avar, babelmixr2, BalancedSampling, bama, BAMBI, bambu, bamm, banditpam, BANDITS, bandle, BAREB, BASiCS, baskexact, batchmix, Bayenet, BayesChange, BayesComm, bayescopulareg, bayesCureRateModel, BayesDLMfMRI, bayesDP, bayesEO, BayesESS, bayesianVARs, bayesImageS, bayeslm, bayesm, BayesMallows, BayesMFSurv, bayesmove, BayesPPD, BayesPPDSurv, Bayesrel, BayesReversePLLH, BayesRGMM, BayesSpace, BayesSUR, BayesSurvive, bayesWatch, baygel, bayMDS, bayNorm, BCClong, BCEE, bcf, BClustLonG, bcROCsurface, BCSub, BEKKs, belg, bespatial, betaBayes, beyondWhittle, BGGM, BGVAR, BHMSMAfMRI, BHSBVAR, biClassify, bife, BIFIEsurvey, bigergm, biglasso, bigMap, bigReg, bigsnpr, bigstatsr, bigtime, BigVAR, binaryGP, binGroup2, binspp, biosensors.usc, bisque, blatent, Blend, bliss, blockmodels, BLPestimatoR, bmabasket, BMisc, BNPmix, BoltzMM, bonsaiforest, BoostMLR, bootCT, bootUR, BosonSampling, BOSSreg, bpgmm, bpnreg, bpr, BPRMeth, BranchGLM, brmsmargins, BSL, BSPBSS, bspline, bssm, BSSprep, bsvars, bsvarSIGNs, BTLLasso, BTtest, Buddle, BUSpaRse, BuyseTest, bvarsv, bvartools, BVSNLP, CAESAR.Suite, carat, CARMS, CaseBasedReasoning, catlearn, catSurv, CausalQueries, CB2, ccaPP, cccp, cctools, CDatanet, CDM, CelliD, cellWise, CERFIT, CeTF, CFC, CGGP, cglm, changepointGA, changepoints, ChannelAttribution, chouca, chromVAR, circlus, CircSpaceTime, CircularDDM, circumplex, cIRT, cladoRcpp, Cleanet, clhs, cliqueMS, clubpro, ClusPred, ClusROC, clusterHD, clusterMI, ClusterR, ClusVis, CLVTools, cmenet, CMGFM, coala, COAP, coda.base, colorednoise, comat, combinIT, CoMiRe, COMIX, communication, coneproj, conleyreg, conos, conquer, CoOL, copCAR, cophescan, copre, cord, corrcoverage, cosimmr, Countr, countSTAR, covdepGE, covglasso, covTestR, CovTools, CoxPlus, coxrobust, coxrt, CPAT, cPCG, CPGLIB, cpr, cpss, cqrReg, crandep, crawl, Crossover, CSeQTL, ctmcd, cTMed, curveDepth, CVR, CWT, cytometree, CytoSimplex, dann, DatabionicSwarm, DatAssim, DataVisualizations, dateutils, dccmidas, dccpp, DCLEAR, dcm2, dcortools, dcov, DCSmooth, dcurver, deepgp, deforestable, deform, DegNorm, demu, densEstBayes, DepthProc, DEScan2, deseats, DESeq2, desla, dexter, dexterMST, dfms, dfmta, dga, DGM, DGP4LCF, diagis, didimputation, DifferentialRegulation, diffuStats, DIFM, dina, Dire, DiscreteFDR, DiscreteFWER, distinct, dlmtree, dmbc, DMQ, dMrs, dnapath, dnn, DOVE, DR.SC, drclust, drgee, DriftBurstHypothesis, DrImpute, dscore, DSSP, DstarM, DSWE, DtD, dtwclust, dynmix, DySS, EAinference, eBsc, ebTobit, echoice2, echos, edina, eDMA, EFAfactors, EFAtools, elmNNRcpp, EloChoice, EloRating, em, emBayes, EMbC, EMC2, emcAdr, EMgaussian, emIRT, EMMIXgene, empichar, endogeneity, epigraHMM, EpiLPS, epistasisGA, epizootic, equateMultiple, EquiTrends, ergmito, errum, esaddle, esemifar, esreg, EstMix, etm, eulerr, evgam, evinf, evolqg, exdex, ExhaustiveSearch, expertsurv, expSBM, extBatchMarking, exuber, fabMix, factorstochvol, FamilyRank, FarmSelect, FarmTest, fastadi, FastBandChol, fastcpd, fasterElasticNet, fasterize, fastGLCM, fastglmpca, fastLink, fastliu, fastM, fastmit, fastPLS, fastpos, FastSF, fastshap, fastTopics, FaultTree, FBCRM, FBFsearch, fclust, fctbases, fdacluster, fdaMixed, fdaSP, fdasrvf, fdesigns, fDMA, FDX, fect, FGLMtrunc, fHMM, fiberLD, fICA, filling, finity, fipp, FKSUM, flamingos, flan, FlexVarJM, flintyR, FLORAL, FMCCSD, fmerPack, fmf, forecast, fourierin, fourPNO, FRASER, free, FRESA.CAD, FRESHD, FSelectorRcpp, FSSF, FuncDiv, funcharts, GA, GADAG, gamreg, gamselBayes, GAS, gaselect, gasper, GauPro, gbp, gcKrig, GCPBayes, GCSM, GDINA, gdpc, GEEaSPU, gena, GeneralizedUmatrix, GenomeAdmixR, geocmeans, geocomplexity, GeoDiff, geodiv, geoFKF, geoFourierFDA, geogrid, geojsonR, GFDmcv, gfiExtremes, GFM, ggbrain, ggdmc, GGMncv, GGPA, ggsc, gigg, GiniDistance, GiRaF, gjam, glamlasso, Glarmadillo, glcm, GLCMTextures, GLMaSPU, glmGamPoi, glmmPen, GMCM, Gmedian, GMKMcharlie, GMMAT, gmtFD, gmvjoint, gmwmx, gMWT, gofar, goffda, GofKmt, goldfish, GPCERF, GPCMlasso, gpcp, GPFDA, GpGp, gplite, GPM, GPvam, GPvecchia, gRain, graper, graphicalEvidence, graphicalVAR, graphlayouts, gRbase, gRc, greed, GreedyEPL, GRENITS, gridOT, gRim, grove, growfunctions, grpsel, GSE, gsynth, GWASinlps, GWEX, GWmodel, GxEScanR, HACSim, hahmmr, handwriter, harmony, hawkes, hawkesbow, hdbcp, hdbinseg, hdbm, hdflex, HDJM, hdme, HDNRA, hdpGLM, HDSpatialScan, HDTD, heatwaveR, hesim, heterogen, hgwrr, hibayes, HiGarrote, highfrequency, higlasso, HistDAWass, hkevp, HLMdiag, HMB, hmcdm, HMMEsolver, hpa, HSAR, hsphase, HTLR, hypervolume, iAR, ICcalib, iccbeta, iclogcondist, iClusterVB, ICSClust, ICtest, idefix, iDOVE, ILSE, imagine, imbalance, immer, inca, IncDTW, inferCSN, infinitefactor, interep, interflex, intkrige, intRinsic, intrinsicFRP, intsurv, invgamstochvol, iPath, ipsecr, IrishDirectorates, IsoBayes, ivdoctr, ivsacim, ivx, jackalope, JANE, JFM, JMbayes, JMbayes2, jmcm, JMI, jmotif, joineRML, jrSiCKLSNMF, jSDM, jti, JUMP, kalmanfilter, kdecopula, KernelKnn, kimfilter, kmBlock, KODAMA, KoulMde, l0ara, L0Learn, l1spectral, LA, lacunr, LAM, LaMa, lamle, landscapemetrics, Langevin, LassoGEE, latentgraph, lavacreg, lavaSearch2, lbfgsb3c, lddmm, ldmppr, ldsep, ldsr, leafletZH, lefko3, legion, leidenAlg, LeMaRns, lemur, lessSEM, lidR, lifepack, lightAUC, LikertMakeR, linconGaussR, linelistBayes, Linnorm, lit, Lmoments, lnmixsurv, lodr, longevity, LongMemoryTS, LorenzRegression, lowmemtkmeans, lpcde, lpirfs, lsirm12pl, ltsspca, ludic, Luminescence, lvmcomp, MABOUST, MADMMplasso, MAGEE, magi, MAINT.Data, malan, manifold, ManifoldOptim, maotai, MAPITR, marble, markophylo, markovchain, MarZIC, mashr, mastif, MAT, matchingMarkets, matchingR, MatrixCorrelation, matrixdist, MatrixLDA, MAVE, mbkmeans, mccca, mcemGLM, mclustAddons, mclustcomp, MCMCprecision, mcmcse, mDAG, MDEI, mdgc, mdmb, meltt, MendelianRandomization, meshed, MESS, metafolio, MetaHD, metapack, metaRange, meteorits, mets, mev, MGMM, mhazard, miceadds, miceFast, microsimulation, mig, miloR, milr, mina, minerva, miniPCH, mirt, mirtCAT, mirtjml, MiSPU, MissCP, missoNet, missSBM, mixedBayes, mixedCCA, mixedMem, mixgb, MixMatrix, mixsqp, mixture, MLModelSelection, mlpack, mlrv, mlsbm, mmcif, MMGFM, mmsample, MMVBVS, MNARclust, mnlfa, mnorm, modeLLtest, modsem, mombf, momentuHMM, MomTrunc, Morpho, motif, motifmatchr, moveHMM, mp, MR.RGM, mrf2d, mrfDepth, mrgsolve, MSCA, MSEtool, MSGARCH, MSIMST, MSstats, MSTest, MTLR, multbxxc, multgee, MultiCOAP, MultiFit, multilevLCA, multilink, multinomialLogitMix, multinomineq, MultiscaleDTM, multivar, MultOrdRS, MultSurvTests, mutualinf, mvgam, mvMAPIT, mvnfast, mvnimpute, mvrsquared, n1qn1, NAIR, navigation, ncpen, netClust, netcmc, netcontrol, netdiffuseR, NetMix, netrankr, NetRep, nett, netUtils, NetworkDistance, networkR, nevada, ngspatial, nlmeVPC, nlmixr2est, nlmixr2extra, nlmm, NLPwavelet, nmslibR, nn2poly, noisysbmGGM, nonlinearTseries, nonprobsvy, NPCirc, NPflow, nprobust, numbat, o2plsda, obliqueRSF, ODRF, oeli, oem, ohoegdm, onlineforecast, onlinePCA, opa, OpenImageR, oppr, OPSR, optiSel, orthoDr, OSFD, OutcomeWeights, OUTRIDER, pacotest, PAGFL, pagoda2, PanelCount, PanelMatch, parallelDist, parglm, pARI, paropt, PartialNetwork, partition, pbv, pcalg, PCMBaseCpp, PCMRS, pda, pdSpecEst, pecora, pedbp, penAFT, penalized, PenCoxFrail, penPHcure, pense, pEPA, PEPBVS, pg, pgee.mixed, pgKDEsphere, pGPx, pgsc, Phase123, Phase12Compare, phenofit, PHSMM, PhylogeneticEM, phylosignal, phylter, phyr, PieceExpIntensity, PINSPlus, PJFM, pleiotest, PLFD, pliman, plmmr, PLNmodels, plotHMM, PLSiMCpp, pmartR, PoissonMultinomial, polykde, polyqtlR, POMaSPU, porridge, PPforest, ppgmmga, PPMR, pprof, PPSFS, PPtreeViz, PQLseq, pqrBayes, pqrfe, PRDA, PRECAST, predkmeans, prioriactions, prioritizr, probe, ProFAST, profoc, projpred, pRoloc, PROsetta, prospectr, prototest, proxyC, psbcSpeedUp, psd, pseudoCure, PSGD, psgp, psp, psychonetrics, puniform, qbld, qch, qgg, qris, qtlpoly, Qtools, quadrupen, qualpalr, quanteda.textmodels, quanteda.textstats, QuantRegGLasso, QUBIC, queuecomputer, qwraps2, r2sundials, raceland, Racmacs, Radviz, rags2ridges, ramcmc, rare, ratematrix, rayimage, rayshader, rbridge, rcccd, RCDT, RcppCensSpatial, RcppDE, RcppDist, RcppDynProg, RcppEnsmallen, RcppHMM, RcppSMC, Rdimtools, rdist, ReAD, RealVAMS, reda, redist, redistmetrics, registr, regmed, regmhmm, regnet, regsem, relliptical, relsurv, remaCor, remify, remstats, remstimate, rENA, repolr, reReg, resemble, reservr, resourcecode, revdbayes, revealedPrefs, Rfast, Rfast2, Rforestry, Rfssa, RGMM, rhoR, ridgetorus, Riemann, RiemBase, riskRegression, rjaf, RJcluster, rlibkriging, rliger, Rlinsolve, RLumCarlo, RLumModel, rmarchingcubes, RMFM, rmgarch, Rmodule, RMSS, rMVP, Rnanoflann, RNOmni, roben, RobGARCHBoot, roboBayes, robregcc, RobRegression, robslopes, robStepSplitReg, robustBLME, robustcov, robustHD, robustmatrix, robustreg, rocTree, rofanova, ROKET, roll, roptim, ROptSpace, rotasym, rotations, RPatternJoin, RPhosFate, Rphylopars, rpm, rpms, rpql, RprobitB, rqPen, RRI, rrMixture, rrpack, rrum, rsparse, rSpectral, RSSL, RStoolbox, rstpm2, rsvddpd, rtrend, rTwig, rugarch, rust, Rvcg, RWNN, rxode2, s2net, saeMSPE, saeRobust, SAGMM, SAIGEgds, SAMGEP, samplr, samurais, SANple, SANvi, SAR, sarima, sasfunclust, satdad, sbfc, sbm, SBmedian, sbmSDP, SBMTrees, SC.MEB, SC3, scalablebayesm, scanstatistics, ScatterDensity, sccore, scde, scDHA, scGPS, scINSIGHT, scistreer, scITD, scmap, scMitoMut, scoringRules, SCORNET, sctransform, sdetorus, sdpdth, sdsfun, secrdesign, secure, seededlda, segclust2d, segMGarch, segtest, semidist, sensitivity, sensobol, sentometrics, sentopics, seqHMM, sfcr, SFS, sgd, sgdGMF, SGDinference, sgs, shapr, ShrinkCovMat, shrinkDSM, shrinkTVP, shrinkTVPVAR, SHT, Sieve, sievePH, SiFINeT, signeR, signnet, SimBIID, simcdm, simer, SimJoint, simmr, SIMplyBee, simPop, simStateSpace, SimSurvNMarker, SimTOST, simts, singR, sirt, SIT, sits, skm, slalom, slasso, slcm, sleev, slfm, SLOPE, smarter, smartsnp, SMASH, smile, SMMA, SMME, smmR, smoof, smooth, smoots, smurf, SNPknock, snpsettest, SoftBart, sommer, sorcering, SpaCCI, SpaceTimeBSS, SpaCOAP, sparseDFM, SparseICA, SparseLPM, sparsereg, sparsevb, sparta, sparvaride, SpatialBSS, SpatialEpi, SpatialTools, spatialwarnings, SpatMCA, SpaTopic, SpatPCA, spBayesSurv, spBFA, spBPS, Spbsampling, spCP, spduration, specs, SpecsVerification, spEDM, spfa, spFW, sphunif, spinBayes, splines2, SPlit, SplitGLM, SplitReg, splmm, spNetwork, spnn, springer, sprintr, srm, Sshaped, SSLR, SSOSVM, sstvars, STAREG, starma, STARTS, statespacer, statgenGWAS, statgenIBD, statgenQTLxT, stcos, StempCens, stepSplitReg, StepwiseTest, stm, StochBlock, stochvol, stpm, stpphawkes, strat, stratEst, StratifiedSampling, strucchangeRcpp, sts, StuteTest, subsampling, SubTite, sundialr, superml, SuperpixelImageSegmentation, surbayes, sureLDA, SurrogateRegression, surtvep, survey, surveybootstrap, SurvivalClusteringTree, svars, switchSelection, symmetry, symphony, synlik, synMicrodata, T4cluster, T4transport, tabularMLC, TAG, TAM, TapeS, targeted, TauStar, tci, tclust, TDAkit, TDAvec, telefit, tensorBSS, TestCor, TestDesign, tetrascatt, textmineR, textTinyR, tfarima, tidylda, tlars, tmvtnsim, trackdem, tree.interpreter, TreeBUGS, treeclim, treenomial, TruncatedNormal, tsBSS, TSLA, tsmarch, tvR, ubms, UComp, unmarked, unsystation, UPCM, updog, UtilityFrailtyPH12, VAJointSurv, varband, VARSELECTEXPOSURE, VarSelLCM, VBJM, vcpen, VeccTMVN, VEwaningVariant, VIC5, VICatMix, VMDecomp, vMF, VUROCS, waddR, walker, waspr, watson, WaveSampling, wCorr, wdnet, WeibullR, weibulltools, womblR, WRI, wru, wv, xdcclarge, XDNUTS, ycevo, yuima, zic, ZVCV
Reverse suggests: bayesEO, bayesmove, CaseBasedReasoning, collapse, crmPack, DepthProc, FSelectorRcpp, geocomplexity, GPM, hdbinseg, HSAR, IBMPopSim, lbfgsb3c, ManifoldOptim, MfUSampler, parallelDist, psqn, r2sundials, RcppProgress, sdsfun, sits, smoots, spEDM, splines2, unsystation


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