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survival: Survival Analysis

Contains the core survival analysis routines, including definition of Surv objects, Kaplan-Meier and Aalen-Johansen (multi-state) curves, Cox models, and parametric accelerated failure time models.

Version: 3.8-3
Priority: recommended
Depends: R (≥ 3.5.0)
Imports: graphics, Matrix, methods, splines, stats, utils
Published: 2024-12-17
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.survival
Author: Terry M Therneau [aut, cre], Thomas Lumley [ctb, trl] (original S->R port and R maintainer until 2009), Atkinson Elizabeth [ctb], Crowson Cynthia [ctb]
Maintainer: Terry M Therneau <therneau.terry at>
License: LGPL-2 | LGPL-2.1 | LGPL-3 [expanded from: LGPL (≥ 2)]
Copyright: see file COPYRIGHTS
NeedsCompilation: yes
Citation: survival citation info
Materials: NEWS
In views: ClinicalTrials, Econometrics, Survival
CRAN checks: survival results


Reference manual: survival.pdf
Vignettes: Adjusted Survival Curves (source, R code)
Approximating a Cox Model (source, R code)
Multi-state models and competing risks (source, R code)
Concordance (source, R code)
Matrix exponentials (source, R code)
Survival package methods (source, R code)
Multi-state survival curves (source)
Other vignettes (source)
Population contrasts (source, R code)
Brier scores and the redistribute-to-the-right algorithm (source, R code)
Splines, plots, and interactions (source, R code)
The survival package (source, R code)
Roundoff error and tied times (source, R code)
Using Time Dependent Covariates (source, R code)
Validation (source, R code)


Package source: survival_3.8-3.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-devel (arm64): survival_3.8-3.tgz, r-release (arm64): survival_3.8-3.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): survival_3.8-3.tgz, r-devel (x86_64): survival_3.8-3.tgz, r-release (x86_64): survival_3.8-3.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): survival_3.8-3.tgz
Old sources: survival archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: aCGH, AER, AF, ahaz, ahMLE, aisoph, anoint, APtools, BART, bayesDP, BayesianMediationA, BayesMixSurv, bayesSurv, bcfrailph, bcfrailphdv, BeQut, bhm, biostat3, blapsr, BMA, bpcp, BRACE, bshazard, carcass, CaseCohortCoxSurvival, cchs, censored, CGEN, ClassifyR, cmprsk, coin, ComparisonSurv, compound.Cox, cond, contTimeCausal, Copula.Markov.survival, coxed, coxme, coxphm, coxphSGD, coxphw, CoxR2, CPE, crrcbcv, crrSC, csampling, ctqr, cuRe, curephEM, curesurv, currentSurvival, DCEtool, discfrail, distcomp, dnn, DOVE, DTAT, dtrSurv, dynpred, ebmstate, epiDisplay, epiR, EquiSurv, EstimationTools, eventTrack, EvidenceSynthesis, expertsurv, factorial2x2, FamEvent, fitdistrplus, flexrsurv, flexsurv, flexsurvcure, FlexVarJM, frailtyEM, frailtyHL, frailtyMMpen, frailtypack, frailtySurv, frequentistSSD, gamlss.cens, gcerisk, geecure, glmpath, globaltest, gmvjoint, GofCens, goldilocks, GORCure, GSED, gte, haplo.ccs, HCmodelSets, hdbma, HybridMTest, iBST, icenReg, Icens, icensBKL, ICGOR, icpack, IDPSurvival, InferenceSMR, InformativeCensoring, interval, invGauss, iPath, IPCWK, ipcwswitch, IPDfromKM, ipflasso, isoSurv, iterativeBMAsurv, jlctree, JM, JMbayes, JMbayes2, JMH, joineR, joineRML, joint.Cox, JSM, kin.cohort, KMunicate, linERR, lnmixsurv, logicFS, LogicReg, LongCART, lpl, luca, MapGAM, marg, messina, mexhaz, mfp, miRecSurv, missDeaths, mixcure, mma, mmabig, mmc, ModTools, mRMRe, MST, mstate, multcomp, multipleNCC, multiridge, NADA, nftbart, nlreg, nltm, NPHMC, nricens, NSM3, oceCens, Oncofilterfast, OrdFacReg, ordinalgmifs, OTRselect, p3state.msm, packHV, parfm, partDSA, pch, PDXpower, penalized, PenCoxFrail, penPHcure, peperr, permGS, PHeval, PHInfiniteEstimates, PICBayes, plac, PRIMEplus, psbcGroup, PWEXP, PwrGSD, Qest, qrcm, qrcmNP, randomizeR, rbsurv, RcmdrPlugin.BWS1, RcmdrPlugin.BWS2, RcmdrPlugin.BWS3, RcmdrPlugin.DCE, RcmdrPlugin.survival, RegParallel, RelDists, relsurv, RISCA, risksetROC, RobustAFT, rprev, rstpm2, season, seawaveQ, selectiveInference, SemiCompRisks, seqDesign, SigCheck, SIMMS, simMSM, SimNPH, smcure, smoothHR, smoothSurv, snpStats, sox, speff2trial, SPREDA, spsurv, ssym, STAND, stepp, surrosurvROC, survAH, survBootOutliers, survC1, survcomp, survcompare, SurvEval,, survey, survIDINRI, survivalMPL, survivalPLANN, survivalSL, survivalsvm, survivalVignettes, survMisc, SurvRegCensCov, survRM2, survSNP, survstan, SurvTrunc, survtype,, threg, thregI, timereg, tLagInterim, tnet, TransModel, TwoArmSurvSim, uni.survival.tree, uniah, VAJointSurv, VEwaning, VEwaningVariant, vsd, xhaz, YPBP, YPPE
Reverse imports: ABSurvTDC, ActFrag, addhazard, adjSURVCI, adjustedCurves, AdverseEvents, aftgee, afthd, aftR2, aftsem, afttest, AICcmodavg, allestimates, allMT, amt, ANF, ascii, autoReg, AutoScore, autoslider.core, Ball, bamlss, base.rms, basecamb, bayesCT, BayesCTDesign, bayesCureRateModel, BayesFBHborrow, BayesSurvival, BayesSurvive, baytrends, BEAMR, beanz, BeSS, bestridge, BGPhazard, bigSurvSGD, binequality, BioPETsurv, BioPred, biospear, BivRec, blockForest, BloodCancerMultiOmics2017, BNPdensity, bonsaiforest, boot.pval, bossR, BSGW, bujar, burgle, c060, calibmsm, CalibrationCurves, canceR, cancerGI, carSurv, Cascade, casebase, CaseBasedReasoning, casper, catalytic, CatPredi, causalCmprsk, ccostr, CenBAR, cenROC, censCov, censcyt, CeRNASeek, CFC, CFO, cforward, cg, chest, chngpt, chopsticks, CIEE, CIMPLE, ciTools, clespr, clintools, clustcurv, cmprskcoxmsm, cmprskQR, coda4microbiome, cohorttools, comets, compareGroups, CondiS, condSURV, consICA, controlTest, CopulaCenR, CoRpower, cotram, Counterfactual, CoxAIPW, CoxBcv, Coxmos, coxphf, coxrobust, coxrt, CP, CPsurv, CsChange, CSCNet, csmpv, CSTE, CureAuxSP, CureDepCens, cutoff, CutpointsOEHR, cvwrapr, cyclomort, Cyclops, DCEmgmt, dcurves, debest, deeptrafo, DepCens, depCensoring, DeSousa2013, dipm, dirttee, diversityForest, dpasurv, drcSeedGerm, drcte, drgee, dropR, drugDemand, dscoreMSM, DWreg, DynForest, DynNom, dynsurv, easy.glmnet, easysurv, ecpc, EGRET, eha, EL2Surv, ELYP, em, ems, EnMCB, eoa3, epade, ePCR, Epi, EpiForsk, epiomics, epistasisGA, epitab, EQUALSTATS, etm, etree, eventglm, eventPred, EventPredInCure, extrafrail, ezcox, familiar, fastcmprsk, FastJM, FHtest, fic, figuRes2, finalfit, findIPs, FLORAL, fmrs, forsearch, gaawr2, GAGAs, gamlss, gbm, GDCRNATools, GEInter, genefilter, GenEst, gestate, GFDsurv, gfoRmula, ggparty, ggplot2.utils, ggquickeda, ggRandomForests, ggrisk, ggscidca, ggsurvfit, GJRM, glm.predict, glmmPen, glmnet, glmnetr, GNOSIS, gofreg, gomp, GPSCDF, graphPAF, gravity, greport, GRIN2, gsDesign2, GSgalgoR, gsMAMS, GSSTDA, GTDL, GWASinlps, GWASTools, gwasurvivr, HazardDiff, HCTDesign, hdcuremodels, HDJM, hdnom, hds, hesim, highMLR, HIMA, horseshoenlm, HQM, hrcomprisk, ICcalib, ICcforest, ICSKAT, idem, IDMIR, IMAS, imsig, incubate, iNETgrate, interactionRCS, ipred, ipw, ipwCoxCSV, IrregLong, iterativeBMAsurv, ivtools, ivygapSE, JLPM, jmBIG, JointAI, JointFPM, jomo, jskm, jsmodule, jstable,, kmcut, kmi, KONPsurv, landest, Landmarking, landmulti, landpred, lava, lcmm, lilikoi, lillies, lodGWAS, longitudinalcascade, longROC, LTRCtrees, mable, MachineShop, maczic, maftools, MAGNAMWAR, maicplus, MAICtools, markovMSM, maxcombo, mboost, mccmeiv, MCPModBC, Mediana, meerva, MetabolicSurv, metaSurvival, mets, mfp2, mhazard, mhurdle, miceafter, miCoPTCM, MicrobiomeSurv, microsimulation, MiMIR, MiRKAT, miRspongeR, miWQS, mixPHM, mixtools, mlma, mlr, mlt, mlt.docreg, MMAD, mMARCH.AC, model4you, modeLLtest, modgo, mombf, MonotoneHazardRatio, moonBook, MOSClip, mpr, mratios, MRMCbinary, msaenet, msm, MSstats, MTLR, muhaz, multiClust, multinma, multipleOutcomes, multisite.accuracy, multiview, multtest, My.stepwise, NADA2, NetSAM, NNMIS, nnt, nparsurv, nph, NPHazardRate, nphPower, nphRCT, nsROC, numKM, obliqueRSF, ODS, omicsViewer, OneArm2stage, OneArmTTE, OneSampleLogRankTest, OptimalTiming, orthoDr, oscar, OSTE, otrKM, palasso, PAmeasures, pammtools, pamr, parTimeROC, party, partykit, pathwayPCA, pathwayTMB, pbatR, PBIR, PCLassoReg, pcvr, pda, PDN, pec, penalizedclr, pencal, permimp, personalized, pgxRpi, Phase123, phenoTest, phers, PJFM, plasma, pldamixture, plgraphics, plsmselect, plsRcox, PMAPscore, pmcalibration, polle, popEpi, postGGIR, powerSurvEpi, pre, precmed, predRupdate, presmoothedTP, priorityelasticnet, prioritylasso, prodlim, ProgModule, ProSGPV, psBayesborrow, psbcSpeedUp, psborrow, psc, PScr, pseval, psfmi, psichomics, psm3mkv, PTE, PTERP, pubh, Publish, PWEALL, qgcomp, qgcompint, Qindex, QoLMiss, qris, QTOCen, quantreg, quickReg, R2Addhaz, R4HCR, RABR, randomGLM, rankhazard, RcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2, rcssci, recforest, reconstructKM, recurrentpseudo, regmedint, regplot, regport, ReIns, remiod, remss, reportRmd, reReg, ReSurv, RGS, riAFTBART, rigr, riskRegression, RItools, RLassoCox, rms, rmsb, rmstcompsens, rnaEditr, RobinCar, RoBSA, rocTree, ROKET, ROlogit, rolr, rpsftm, rsides, rstanarm, Rsurrogate, RTCGA, RTNsurvival, safestats, SAME, SCCS, SCFA, SCORNET, scRNAtools, SEERaBomb, semicmprskcoxmsm, SemiPar.depCens, SensIAT, sGBJ, sglg, SHELF, shinyCox, shrink, SIDES, sievePH, SIGN, signatureSurvival, signeR, sigsquared, sim.BA, simexaft, SimHaz, simIDM, simPH, simtrial, SIS, skpr, smcfcs, smdi, SMDIC, SMPracticals, sMSROC, SNPassoc, sp23design, spatsurv, spBayesSurv, spef, spicyR, squant, ssMutPA, SSRMST, starnet, stdReg, stdReg2, StepReg, stpm, stratamatch, StratifiedMedicine, SubgrpID, success, SUMMER, Sunclarco, superpc, SuRF.vs, Surrogate, SurrogateOutcome, SurrogateTest, surrosurv, surv2sampleComp, survAUC, survAWKMT2, survClust, SurvCorr, survCurve, SurvDisc, survELtest, survex, surveynnet, SurvHiDim, survidm, SurvImpute, survival.svb, survivalAnalysis, SurvivalClusteringTree, survivalMPLdc, survivalREC, SurvMA, SurvMetrics, SurvMI, survminer, survML, survobj, survout, survParamSim, survRM2adapt, survRM2perm, survSAKK, survSens, SVMDO, SvyNom, synthpop, tableeasy, targeted, tauProcess, tdROC, tern, tfCox, ThomasJeffersonUniv, ThresholdROCsurvival, tidyCDISC, tidycmprsk, TidyDensity, tidytof, TimeVTree, tinyarray, tLagPropOdds, TOP, tornado, trajmsm, tram, tramicp, TraMineRextras, transmdl, TreatmentSelection, trio, truncAIPW, TSDT, tsriadditive, TwoStepCLogit, vaccine, vaccineff, valorate, VarReg, vaxpmx, VBJM, vpc, VSOLassoBag, WCE, Wcompo, wcox, WGCNA, WINS, wintime, WLreg, WR, WRTDStidal, xlink, xpose4, YPmodelPhreg
Reverse suggests: agridat, ahw, aorsf, aplore3, arsenal, ARTool, atable, autonomics, BayesGP, bayesplot, BB, BCClong, BFpack, biglasso, bnnSurvival, boot, Boruta, brea, BrokenAdaptiveRidge, broom, broom.helpers, butcher, BuyseTest, CADF, CALIBERrfimpute, car, cardx, cBioPortalData, cequre, choplump, clinfun, cloneRate, collett, Colossus, confSAM, contsurvplot, copcor, coreSim, crosstable, CTNote, curatedBladderData, curatedOvarianData, curatedPCaData, DAAG, DanielBiostatistics10th, dawai, depigner, desctable, discSurv, dlnm, doBy, dressCheck, dtrackr, edecob, EmpiricalCalibration, EpiMix, exactRankTests, extremefit, fairml, fastAFT, FastKM, flexmix, fluoSurv, forestmodel, forplo, FRESA.CAD, fwb, gamair, gamboostLSS, gamlss.inf, gap, genSurv, GGally, ggeffects, ggformula, ggfortify, ggpolar, ggstats, ggstatsplot, glmglrt, glmSparseNet, glmulti, Greg, grf, grImport, grpreg, gtsummary, h2o, hal9001, HarmonizedTCGAData, heemod, highcharter, Hmisc, homomorpheR, HSAUR, HSAUR2, HSAUR3, iClusterVB, icmstate, injurytools, INLAjoint, insight, iNZightRegression, irboost, ISwR, kdry, kernhaz, kmc, kyotil, lavaSearch2, LDM, lmtest, lrstat, lss2, marginaleffects, marginalizedRisk, MASS, MatchIt, maxstat, mc2d, MCPModGeneral, mediation, metafor, mgcv, mi, mice, midasHLA, mitml, mlr3filters, mlsurvlrnrs, modelsummary, momentuHMM, MultiAssayExperiment, MuMIn, musicatk, mxfda, ncvreg, netdiffuseR, nipalsMCIA, nlive, nncc, npsm, opera, optband, outreg, pander, parameters, parmsurvfit, parsnip, PatientLevelPrediction, pder, pensim, performance, ph2bye, ph2mult, phyloregion, pillar, PINSPlus, PlackettLuce, plotmm, pmartR, pmml, pmxpartab, psborrow2, purge, qwraps2, R2HTML, randomForestSRC, ranger, rattle, recodeflow, RegrCoeffsExplorer, relevance, report, reporttools, reservr, RESI, ricu, rineq, RLT, rmdl, rmsMD, rpart, rsimsum, rsmatch, rsurv, rtables, rtables.officer, RVAideMemoire, saemix, safe, sandwich, scFeatures, sharp, shinyPredict, simex, simstudy, simsurv, sirus, smof, smoothROCtime, sparseR, srvyr, SSLR, Statial, statsExpressions, subscreen, support.BWS, support.BWS2, support.BWS3, support.CEs, survivalmodels, SurvivalTests, tab, tableone, tbm, TCGAbiolinks, texmex, tfrmt, tidybulk, tidytidbits, timeEL, timeROC, tramME, tramnet, tramvs, treeshap, trtf, trtswitch, truncreg, tuneRanger, UCSCXenaShiny, Umpire, utile.tables,, utile.visuals, VirtualPop, visreg, wally, WARDEN, WeightIt, WinRatio, xtable, yardstick, zlog, ztable
Reverse enhances: denstrip, emmeans, papeR, prediction, qvcalc, stargazer, texreg


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