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plyr: Tools for Splitting, Applying and Combining Data

A set of tools that solves a common set of problems: you need to break a big problem down into manageable pieces, operate on each piece and then put all the pieces back together. For example, you might want to fit a model to each spatial location or time point in your study, summarise data by panels or collapse high-dimensional arrays to simpler summary statistics. The development of 'plyr' has been generously supported by 'Becton Dickinson'.

Version: 1.8.9
Depends: R (≥ 3.1.0)
Imports: Rcpp (≥ 0.11.0)
LinkingTo: Rcpp
Suggests: abind, covr, doParallel, foreach, iterators, itertools, tcltk, testthat
Published: 2023-10-02
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.plyr
Author: Hadley Wickham [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <hadley at>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
NeedsCompilation: yes
Citation: plyr citation info
Materials: README NEWS
CRAN checks: plyr results


Reference manual: plyr.pdf


Package source: plyr_1.8.9.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): plyr_1.8.9.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): plyr_1.8.9.tgz, r-release (x86_64): plyr_1.8.9.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): plyr_1.8.9.tgz
Old sources: plyr archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: abctools, Autoplotprotein, bcpa, blink, BubbleTree, cft, coreCT, corona, CPMCGLM, DataLoader, dfmeta, EurosarcBayes, evolqg, eyeTrackR, FFdownload, Fgmutils, freegroup, gpmap, insectDisease, intansv, kgc, klsh, lcpm, MineICA, MScombine, OmaDB, PdPDB, plotprotein, plotSEMM, pxR, rcbalance, rcbsubset, RGBM, rgdax, Rmisc, RnBeads, RSAGA, rtip, seawaveQ, SICtools, sinaplot, SPCDAnalyze, SSrat, timeordered, toolmaRk, unitedR, wpp2015
Reverse imports: abseqR, acc, acca, ACDm, acs, activAnalyzer, AFM, AGPRIS, ahw, airpart, aLFQ, allMT, aMNLFA, Anaconda, Anaquin, andurinha, animalEKF, animint2, ANOPA, antaresRead, aoristic, apc, AppliedPredictiveModeling, AquaticLifeHistory, ardl.nardl, ARIbrain, artMS, ARTool, ASICS, aslib, atable, ausplotsR, auto.pca, azuremlsdk, bandle, barcodetrackR, BasketballAnalyzeR, BATSS, BAwiR, bayesboot, BayesFM, BayesGWQS, bayesPop, BayesRGMM, baytrends, BCHM, bdvis, bea.R, BEACH, benchdamic, BESTree, bfw, bigmatch, BindingSiteFinder, bioCancer, BioCircos, BiocOncoTK, BiocSet, biodb, biomformat, BiostatsUHNplus, blocksdesign, BNSP, bootcluster, borealis, bpa, branchpointer, breakfast, bruceR, bspcov, BTSPAS, Buddle, bulletr, burnr, C443, CaDrA, CAGEr, campsis, campsismod, canceR, CancerEvolutionVisualization, caret, CAST, catSurv, cbpManager, ccml, CCPlotR, celda, CellBarcode, ChAMP, chem16S, chillR, chimeraviz, chipenrich, chouca, cicero, CINNA, classifly, clhs, clickstream, clinDataReview, clinUtils, ClusTCR2, clusternomics, clusterProfiler, clustrd, ClustVarLV, CNAIM, CNVPanelizer, CNVRanger, CNVScope, coda4microbiome, CoDiNA, coefplot, Coinprofile, colors3d, comapr, comf, communication, COMPASS, CompositeReliability, condvis2, confidence, CoNI, contoureR, convertid, CooccurrenceAffinity, CoOL, CorMID, corporaexplorer, COTAN, cpsurvsim, cpvSNP, crmReg, crossnma, crypto2, CSTools, CTM, ctsem, ctsemOMX, cummeRbund, customProDB, cvms, cyclomort, d3Network, dae, DALSM, DAMEfinder, DaMiRseq, darksky, dartR, dartR.base, dataframeexplorer, dataone, dbcsp, DBTC, dcanr, ddpcr, DDPNA, deBInfer, decompTumor2Sig, decontX, Deducer, deepdive, deforestable, DegNorm, derfinderPlot, DEScan2, DescribeDisplay, detectRUNS, detrendr, devFunc, DExMA, diffuStats, difNLR, DIFplus, DImodelsMulti, DiNAMIC.Duo, DiPs, dissever, distantia, dLagM, dMod, DMRcate, DMRcatedata, do, dplyrAssist, DPtree, drcSeedGerm, drcte, dsm, dtp, dynr, eatGADS, eatRep, EBMAforecast, eCerto, echor, ecoCopula, econet, EcotoneFinder, EFAutilities, EGAD, eikosograms, elhmc, ELMER, emdbook, enrichplot, Epi, EpiMix, epitweetr, erccdashboard, erp.easy, ERSSA, esaddle, esaps, eudysbiome, europepmc, evclust, evoper, ExcelFunctionsR, exifr, expandFunctions, ExpGenetic, expowo, ez, FAMetA, FamilyRank, FAOSTAT, fasstr, fastpos, fbRads, fcScan, featurefinder, FELLA, figuRes2, filters, fingerPro, finnts, FisherEM, flip, flippant, flowAI, flowTime, FMAT, foqat, forestinventory, forestmangr, forestr, fractD, FRK, fSRM, ftaproxim, FuzzyR, gatom, gcbd, GDELTtools, gems, gemtc, gen5helper, GeneNetworkBuilder, GeneStructureTools, genomation, GenomicDistributions, GenomicOZone, GenVisR, GeoDiff, GEOfastq, geonapi, geospt, GeoTcgaData, germinationmetrics, gfcanalysis, GFD, GFDrmst, GFDsurv, GGally, ggcyto, ggedit, ggenealogy, ggiraphExtra, ggmap, ggparallel, ggpmisc, ggpol, ggstance, ggtern, ghypernet, gINTomics, gJLS2, glinvci, gMOIP, gmoTree, good, GPA, gProfileR, GPSeqClus, grabsampling, grandR, gridsampler, GROAN, GroupBN, groupdata2, growthcleanr, GrpString, gwasrapidd, haploR, HarmonizR, hbamr, hdcuremodels, hdImpute, heatwaveR, helminthR, HEMDAG, hettx, hillR, HiResTEC, HiveR, HLMdiag, hpiR, HTSSIP, HVT, hyfo, HyMETT, icardaFIGSr, iCellR, idiogramFISH, idpr, iGC, ILoReg, immunarch, immuneSIM, inctools, inegiR, influxdbclient, Information, inlabru, interacCircos, interactiveDisplay, InterCellar, InterfaceqPCR, InterpretMSSpectrum, inTextSummaryTable, intRvals, intsvy, invctr, inventorize, iotables, ips, IsingSampler, isobar, isocat, IsoCheck, IsoCor, IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR, ITNr, its.analysis, IVYplot, jackstrap, jocre, kamila, KEGGlincs, Kernelheaping, kimisc, knnp, kutils, LakeMetabolizer, lavaangui, lazysql, lddmm, leabRa, learningr, LedPred, lemon, lfda, lfl, lfstat, lifelogr, likelihoodExplore, likert, lilikoi, limpca, litterfitter, llama, lmDiallel, lmmpar, loa, longreadvqs, longsurr, lsbclust, lsirm12pl, lucas, lwqs, LymphoSeq, Macarron, MAGAR, MagmaClustR, MAGNAMWAR, MANOVA.RM, manydata, marcher, MARVEL, mashr, MAST, matchMulti, MatrixLDA, MCDA, mcmsupply, MCPAN, medicalrisk, meifly, meltt, MEPDF, messina, MetabolomicsBasics, metabomxtr, MetaboQC, MetaComp, metafolio, MetaIntegrator, MetaLonDA, metamicrobiomeR, metamisc, meteo, MethReg, metR, MFPCA, mgcViz, MGMM, MGnifyR, MHD, microbial, MicrobiotaProcess, MIMSunit, mina, miRNAtap, missCompare, missRows, mitch, mitre, mizer, mlergm, mlfit, mlr3shiny, MLSeq, mlVAR, MMD, modnets, monocle, moreparty, mplot, MplusAutomation, mpoly, MRFA, MRFcov, MRG, MRPC, msgbsR, msig, MSiP, msltrend, MSnbase, msPurity, mulea, multiApply, multilevelPSA, MultiObjMatch, MultIS, musclesyneRgies, mvdalab, mvMonitoring, MVN, MVNBayesian, mygene, myvariant, mzID, nasadata, nat, nat.nblast, natstrat, ndexr, netmediate, NetOrigin, netresponse, nhanesA, nJira, noaastormevents, npIntFactRep, npsm, NVCSSL, oai, OEFPIL, olr, omu, OnboardClient, ontoFAST, openCR, openPrimeR, OpenRepGrid, OpenTreeChronograms, OptimalDesign, optiSel, optiSolve, OralOpioids, orthos, OTrecod, OUTRIDER, owmr, paco, PAFit, pagoda2, PAMhm, pandaR, pARI, PathoStat, patientProfilesVis, paxtoolsr, pbANOVA, pcaExplorer, pda, PDATK, PeacoQC, Pedixplorer, pepStat, permutes, PerseusR, Petersen, petersenlab, pgxRpi, phase1PRMD, phenomap, phenopix, phosphonormalizer, photobiology, PhylogeneticEM, PhyloProfile, phyloseq, PieGlyph, pkggraph, Plasmidprofiler, plothelper, plotluck, plotROC, plsgenomics, pogit, pointRes, poliscidata, PopGenReport, populationPDXdesign, powdR, powerbydesign, PPforest, ppmlasso, pqantimalarials, predict3d, predictmeans, PredPsych, prettymapr, primerTree, pROC, productplots, profr, pRoloc, ProteoDisco, protGear, psichomics, psyntur, PTXQC, ptycho, pureseqtmr, puzzle, qape, QCAcluster, qgam, qgraph, quest, QurvE, Qval, R2DT, R3port, RankAggSIgFUR, rapportools, rbiom, rCGH, RchivalTag, RcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2, rcompanion, RCriteo, rcrossref, RCX, rdfp, readbulk, readmoRe, readtextgrid, rearrr, rechaRge, redlistr, RefManageR, regtomean, repmis, reportRmd, ResearchAssociate, reshape, reshape2, reslr, respirometry, RevEcoR, RGMQL, RiboProfiling, ridigbio, Rilostat, RImmPort, rinat, rLakeAnalyzer, rlc, rlfsm, RmarineHeatWaves, rnaEditr, RNeXML, Rnmr1D, RNOmni, rnpn, roadoi, robustvarComp, rosetta, rprime, Rprofet, Rqc, rqPen, RSA, RSAtools, rscopus, rsdmx, RSentiment, rslp, RSocrata, RSP, rSPARCS, Rspotify, rtematres, rties, rtrend, rwty, RXKCD, rYoutheria, s2dv, sampsizeval, santaR, satellite, scanstatistics, scatterHatch, sccca, scifer, scMitoMut, scRepertoire, scRNAtools, scruff, SDCNway, SEERaBomb, segclust2d, segmag, SemNeT, semPlot, SensusR, SeqFeatR, seqimpute, sequoia, sgat, SGCP, sharpshootR, sievePH, SightabilityModel, simET, simr, SimTimeVar, singleCellTK, SingleMoleculeFootprinting, singscore, SIPmg, skm, SleepCycles, SmartMeterAnalytics, SMITE, SNPassoc, SNSequate, solrium, SOMEnv, spant, SPAS, spatialwarnings, spectacles, spectralAnalysis, spef, SPLINTER, splithalf, spongecake, sRNAGenetic, ssdtools, ssifs, SSLR, SSNbayes, statcheck, statConfR, StatRank, statTarget, str2str, StratifiedBalancing, STRINGdb, strvalidator, subscreen, superb, SuperCell, superheat, survELtest, surveybootstrap, surveyvoi, SWIM, synthpop, Sysrecon, tashu, tauturri, TCGAbiolinks, TDPanalysis, TEAM, Tendril, testarguments, texter, TextForecast, tglkmeans, timeOmics, tnl.Test, TPP, TR8, TrendSLR, TripleR, tripr, TSCAN, tsdataleaks, TSPred, tuber, Twitmo, TwitterAutomatedTrading, ufs, ultrapolaRplot, Umatrix, UniprotR, UpSetR, uptimeRobot, useful, uSORT, ustyc, VALERIE, vDiveR, VDSM, vegdata, virtualPollen, virustotal, viscomp, vissE, visvow, VulnToolkit, waffle, WCE, whitechapelR, whitewater, whomds, wilson, wppExplorer, WRS2, wTO, wxgenR, XINA, XML2R, xpectr, zdeskR, zen4R, zTree
Reverse suggests: abd, actuaRE, admix, afex, aqp, ARPobservation, AUCell, BatchExperiments, BayesSUR, biobroom, BioQC, BisqueRNA, breakaway, brokenstick, card, CGGP, conos, CovCombR, cummeRbund, dartR.popgen, DataVisualizations, deepdep, DEqMS, dostats, DuoClustering2018, dyads, Ecfun, emtdata, epiR, eRTG3D, Families, flacco, flowml, FSA, geneplast, ggQC, ggswissmaps, glmmTMB, here, heuristica, HistData, Hmisc, hydrostats, ifaTools, installr, irrICC, knitrBootstrap, lfproQC, LSAmitR, lulcc, mcmcderive, MetaScope, MGLM, milr, MiscMetabar, misty, model4you, multifear, mvnfast, NBAloveR, NitrogenUptake2016, nLTT, NNTbiomarker, opticskxi, paircompviz, ParamHelpers, passt, patternator, pharmaRTF, plumbr, PracTools, progressr, ProjectTemplate, psd, public.ctn0094data, purgeR, QFASA, rattle, regsem, ReporterScore, rosm, scdhlm, SCpubr, simITS, soilassessment, sommer, StratigrapheR, swag, TAM, TBSignatureProfiler, textreg, TFARM, traits, trapezoid, TropFishR, UBayFS, UCSCXenaShiny, VarSelLCM, vcdExtra, vkR
Reverse enhances: colorSpec


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