datetime.sty v2.60: Formatting Current Date and Time

Nicola L. C. Talbot
Dickimaw Books


This is the last version of this package. The replacement package is called datetime2 and will be released shortly after the this final version.


1 Introduction
2 Predefined Date Formats
 2.1 ISO format
 2.2 Day Month Year formats
 2.3 Month Day Year formats
 2.4 Dates defined by babel
3 Time Commands
4 Formating Dates
5 Defining New Date Formats
6 Saving Dates
7 Predefined Names
8 Package Options
9 Multilingual Support
10 Registers
11 Configuration File
12 LaTeX2HTML styles
13 Troubleshooting


1 Introduction

The datetime package is a LATEX2ε package that provides various different formats for \today, and provides commands for displaying the current time. If you only want the time commands but not the date changing commands, you can pass the option nodate to the package.

Since version 2.4, the datetime package has been separated into two packages: datetime and fmtcount. When I originally created this package, I defined the commands, \ordinal etc which could be used in the definition of \today. Since then, I have extended the number of commands available that can be used to display the value of a LATEX counter, however it seems more appropriate to define all these counter-related commands in a separate package. The fmtcount package is now distributed separately from the datetime package, and will also need to be installed.

As from version 2.42, the datetime package is now compatible with babel, however you must load the datetime package after the babel package. For example:



2 Predefined Date Formats

There are various declarations that change the effect of \today. The change can be localised by placing the declaration within a group.

As from version 2.43, the numerical date formats (such as \ddmmyyyydate) use the command

\dateseparator  \dateseparator

to separate the numbers. So, for example, if you want to hyphens instead of slashes, you can do:



2.1 ISO format

\yyyymmdddate  \yyyymmdddate

This declaration will redefine \today to produce the current date displayed in the form 2000/03/08. (You can redefine \dateseparator to - to change to 2000-03-08.)


2.2 Day⟩ ⟨Month⟩ ⟨Year⟩ formats

\longdate  \longdate

This declaration will redefine \today to produce the current date displayed in the form Wednesday 8th March, 2000 if the package option dayofweek is used, or 8th March, 2000 if the package option nodayofweek is used.

\shortdate  \shortdate

This declaration will redefine \today to produce the current date displayed in the form Wed 8th Mar, 2000 if the package option dayofweek is used, or 8th Mar, 2000 if the package option nodayofweek is used.

\ddmmyyyydate  \ddmmyyyydate

This declaration will redefine \today to produce the current date displayed in the form 08/03/2000.

\dmyyyydate  \dmyyyydate

This declaration will redefine \today to produce the current date displayed in the form 8/3/2000.

\ddmmyydate  \ddmmyydate

This declaration will redefine \today to produce the current date displayed in the form 08/03/00.

\dmyydate  \dmyydate

This declaration will redefine \today to produce the current date displayed in the form 8/3/00.

\textdate  \textdate

This declaration will redefine \today to produce the current date displayed in the form: Wednesday the Eighth of March, Two Thousand if the package option dayofweek is used, or Eighth of March, Two Thousand if the package option nodayofweek is used. Note that \textdate is defined for use with English, it won’t look right if it is used when another language has been selected1. If you want to define a similar command for another language, you will first need to check that the fmtcount package supports that language.


2.3 Month⟩ ⟨Day⟩ ⟨Year⟩ formats

\usdate  \usdate

This declaration will redefine \today to produce the current date displayed in the form March 8, 2000. (As TEX and LATEX do by default.)

\mmddyyyydate  \mmddyyyydate

This declaration will redefine \today to produce the current date displayed in the form 03/08/2000.

\mdyyyydate  \mdyyyydate

This declaration will redefine \today to produce the current date displayed in the form 3/8/2000.

\mmddyydate  \mmddyydate

This declaration will redefine \today to produce the current date displayed in the form 03/08/00.

\mdyydate  \mdyydate

This declaration will redefine \today to produce the current date displayed in the form 3/8/00.


2.4 Dates defined by babel

In addition to the above, the declarations \datelang⟩ are available for all languages defined either by calling babel prior to datetime or by passing the language name as an option to datetime. See §5 Defining New Date Formats if you want to define your own customised date format.


3 Time Commands

The current time is displayed using the command

\currenttime  \currenttime

A specific time can be displayed using the command

\formattime  \formattime{hour}{minute}{second}

where ⟨hour⟩ is a number from 0 to 23, and ⟨minute⟩ and ⟨second⟩ are numbers from 0 to 59.

The format can be changed using the declaration

\settimeformat  \settimeformat{style}

where ⟨style⟩ is the name of the format. Predefined formats are:

Twenty-four hour time in the form 22:28 (Default)
Twenty-four hour time in the form 22:28:00
Twelve hour time in the form 10:28pm
Displays the current time as a string, e.g. Twenty-Eight minutes past Ten in the afternoon.

New time formats can be defined using the command:

\newtimeformat  \newtimeformat{name}{format}

where ⟨name⟩ is the name of the new format (used in \settimeformat), and ⟨format⟩ is how to format the time. Within ⟨format⟩ you can use the counters HOUR (number of hours after midnight), MINUTE (number of minutes past the hour), SECOND (number of seconds) HOURXII (number of hours after midnight/midday), TOHOUR (the next hour) and TOMINUTE (number of minutes to the next hour), and the corresponding commands: \THEHOUR, \THEMINUTE, \THESECOND, \THEHOURXII, \THETOHOUR and \THETOMINUTE.

For example, to define a new time format that uses a dot instead of a colon:


You then need to switch to this new format before you can use it:


As from version 2.43, if you only want to change the separator, you can simply redefine

\timeseparator  \timeseparator

instead of defining a new time format. For example:


The xxivtime format will now work like the dottime format defined above.


4 Formating Dates

\pdfdate  \pdfdate

This command2 prints the date in the format required for PDF files, e.g. if the date is 1 May 2004 and time is 22:02, \pdfdate will print 20040501220200. The reason this date format is separate from all the others is because the other form doesn’t get properly expanded by PDFTEX. (This command is defined regardless of whether the package option nodate is called.) Example:

   /Author (Me)  
   /Title (A Sample Document)  
   /CreationDate (D:20040501215500)  
   /ModDate (D:\pdfdate)  

Note that PDFTEX introduced the new primitive \pdfcreationdate in version 1.30.0, so \pdfdate isn’t required with newer versions of PDFTEX. (\pdfcreationdate is better than \pdfdate as it also stores the time zone.)

There are two commands that print the name of the current month:

\monthname  \monthname[num]

prints the current month name in full, e.g. August, and

\shortmonthname  \shortmonthname[num]

prints the abbreviated month name, e.g. Aug. Both \monthname and \shortmonthname take an optional argument (a number from 1 to 12) if the name of a specific month is required. For example, \monthname[6] will produced the output: June.

The day of the week is computed using the algorithm documented at This algorithm works for any date between 1st Jan, 1901 and 31st Dec, 2099. The following macros display the day of week for a given date:

\dayofweekname  \dayofweekname{day}{month}{year}

prints the day of week for the specified date. For example,


will produce the output: Thursday.

\shortdayofweekname  \shortdayofweeknameday{month}{year}

prints the abbreviated name for the day of week for the specified date. For example


will produce the output: Thu.

\ifshowdow  \ifshowdow

This TEX conditional can be used to determine whether or not the option dayofweek has been passed to the package. For example:

\ifshowdow\dayofweekname{31}{10}{2002} \fi

will only display the day of week if the dayofweek option was passed to datetime. Alternatively, you can use David Carlisle’s ifthen package:

\ifthenelse{\boolean{showdow}}{\dayofweekname{31}{10}{2002} }{}

The command

\ordinaldate  \ordinaldate{number}

displays ⟨number⟩ as a date-type ordinal. If the current language is English, this will simply pass the argument to \ordinalnum (defined in the fmtcount package), if the current language is Breton, Welsh or French, a superscript will only be added if ⟨number⟩ is 1, otherwise only ⟨number⟩ will be displayed.

The macro3

\formatdate  \formatdate{day}{month}{year}

formats the specified date according to the current format of \today4. (Arguments must all be integers.) For example, in combination with \longdate, the command


will produce the output: Monday 27th September, 2004.

You can ensure that a number is displayed with at least two digits using the command

\twodigit  \twodigit{num}


5 Defining New Date Formats

New date formats can be defined using the command:

\newdateformat  \newdateformat{name}{format}

where ⟨name⟩ is the name of the new format, and ⟨format⟩ is how to format the date. Within the argument ⟨format⟩ you can use the commands \THEDAY, \THEMONTH and \THEYEAR to represent the relevant day, month and year, or you can use the counters DAY, MONTH and YEAR if you want to use \ordinal etc. Once you have defined the new date format, you can then switch to it using the declaration \name⟩ (i.e. the name you specified preceded by a backslash), and subsequent calls to \today and \formatdate will use your new format.

For example, suppose you want to define a new date format called, say, mydate, that will typeset the date in the form: 8-3-2002, then you can do:


\newdateformat will then define the declaration \mydate which can be used to switch to your new format. In the following example, two new date formats are defined, and they are then selected to produce two different formats for the current date:

\monthname[\THEMONTH] \ordinal{DAY}, \THEYEAR}  
Dash: \dashdate\today.  
US: \usvardate\today.

If the current date is, say, 8th March, 2002, the above code will produce the following: Dash: 08-03-2002. US: March 8th, 2002.

Note that \THEDAY etc and DAY etc have no real meaning outside \newdateformat (this is why they are in uppercase). Incidentally, the dashdate format is not really necessary, as you can achieve this format using:


Another note: in the above code, \ordinal was used to illustrate the use of the DAY counter. It is better to use \ordinaldate instead:

\monthname[\THEMONTH] \ordinaldate{\THEDAY}, \THEYEAR}


6 Saving Dates

It is possible to save a date for later use using the command: 5

\newdate  \newdate{name}{day}{month}{year}

This date can later be displayed using the same format as that used by \formatdate using the command:

\displaydate  \displaydate{name}

Individual elements of the date can be extracted using the commands:

\getdateday  \getdateday{name}

\getdatemonth  \getdatemonth{name}

\getdateyear  \getdateyear{name}


7 Predefined Names

The following commands are defined by the datetime package:

Command NameDefault Value
\dateseparator /
\timeseparator :
\amname am
\pmname pm
\amorpmname \amname if morning, otherwise \pmname
\amstring in the morning
\pmstring in the afternoon
\amorpmstring \amstring if morning, otherwise \pmstring
\halfpast Half past
\quarterpast Quarter past
\quarterto Quarter to
\noon Noon
\midnight Midnight
\oclockstring O’Clock


8 Package Options

The following options may be passed to this package:

make \today produce long date
make \today produce short date
make \today produce YYYY/MM/DD date
make \today produce DD/MM/YYYY date
make \today produce D/M/YYYY date
make \today produce DD/MM/YY date
make \today produce D/M/YY date
make \today produce text date in UK style
make \today produce US style date
make \today produce MM/DD/YYYY date
make \today produce M/D/YYYY date
make \today produce MM/DD/YY date
make \today produce M/D/YY date
make ordinal st,nd,rd,th appear as superscript
make ordinal st,nd,rd,th appear level with rest of text
make the day of week appear for \longdate, \shortdate or \textdate
don’t display the day of week.
make \currenttime produce hhmmsstime format
make \currenttime produce xxivtime format
make \currenttime produce ampmtime format
make \currenttime produce oclock format
Don’t redefine \today or define the month or day of week commands (useful if you only want the time commands)
as ddmmyyyy and hhmmss but also sets date separator to - and time separator to :

The default options are: long, raise, dayofweek and 24hr.


9 Multilingual Support

If you use the ngerman package, you must use datetime’s ngerman package option if you want the date displayed in the same form as ngerman. You must also load ngerman before you load datetime. Similarly for the german package.

If you want to use the babel package, you must load it before you load the datetime package. This is because the babel \datelang⟩ commands redefine \today, whereas the datetime package redefines \today to use \formatdate, and the date formatting commands (such as \longdate) redefine \formatdate rather than \today. This ensures consistent formatting of the dates whether you use \today or \formatdate. Therefore, the datetime package has to redefine all the \datelang⟩ commands accordingly. Thus the multilingual date support is mostly limited to that provided by babel. Additional support, such as the day of week names and abbreviations, are only supplied for those languages that I know, or that other people have been able to supply for me.

As from v2.56, the package options supplied to datetime override babel’s date format. For example:


will use ddmmyyyy date format regardless of language. Note that if you use a declaration instead of a package option, for example:


the date format will be switched back to \datefrench or \datespanish whenever the language is set. You can use

\setdefaultdate  \setdefaultdate{declaration}

to always use {declaration} whenever the language is set. For example:


The commands \monthname and \shortmonthname, will produce the month name in the current language. If you want the month name in a specific language, you can use the command \monthnamelang⟩. For example, \monthnamefrench[6] will produce the output: juin. Note that \textdate is formatted for English dates, and won’t look right if used with another language setting. If you want a textual date, the fmtcount package (which is loaded by datetime) defines some commands which display a number or ordinal as a word, but it only has very limited multilingual support. See the fmtcount documentation for further details.


10 Registers

TEX provides \day, \month and \year registers. In addition, datetime provides the registers: \currenthour, \currentminute and \currentsecond. Note that old distributions of TEX will always have \currentsecond set to zero.


11 Configuration File

As from Version 2.4, the datetime package will read in settings from the configuration file datetime.cfg, if it exists, which will override the default package options. For example, suppose you prefer a short date without the day of week by default, you will need to create a file called datetime.cfg that contains the line:


The file datetime.cfg should then go somewhere on the TEX path. Now all you need to do is:


without having to specify the short and nodayofweek options.

You can also use this file to define and set your own date styles. For example, you could create a configuration file that has the following lines:


Whenever you use the datetime package, it will now use this format by default.


12 LaTeX2HTML styles

Version 2.43 and above of the datetime bundle supplies the LaTeX2HTML style file datetime.perl. This file should be placed in a directory searched by LaTeX2HTML. The following limitations apply to the LaTeX2HTML styles:


13 Troubleshooting

There is a datetime FAQ available at:



\amname  1, 2
\amorpmname  3
\amorpmstring  4
\amstring  5, 6

B babel package  7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

C \currenthour  14
\currentminute  15
\currentsecond  16
\currenttime  17

D \dateseparator  18, 19, 20
datetime package  21, 22
datetime2 package  23
DAY (counter)  24, 25, 26
\day  27
\dayofweekname  28
\ddmmyydate  29
\ddmmyyyydate  30, 31
\displaydate  32
\dmyydate  33
\dmyyyydate  34

F fmtcount package  35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41
\formatdate  42, 43, 44, 45, 46
\formattime  47

G german package  48
\getdateday  49
\getdatemonth  50
\getdateyear  51

H \halfpast  52
HOUR (counter)  53
HOURXII (counter)  54

I \ifshowdow  55
ifthen package  56

L \longdate  57, 58, 59, 60, 61

M \mdyydate  62
\mdyyyydate  63
\midnight  64
MINUTE (counter)  65
\mmddyydate  66
\mmddyyyydate  67
MONTH (counter)  68
\month  69
\monthname  70, 71

N \newdate  72
\newdateformat  73, 74, 75
\newtimeformat  76
ngerman package  77, 78, 79
\noon  80

O \oclockstring  81
\ordinal  82, 83, 84
\ordinaldate  85, 86
\ordinalnum  87

P package options:
    12hr  88
    24hr  89, 90
    dayofweek  91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97
    ddmmyy  98
    ddmmyyyy  99, 100
    dmyy  101
    dmyyyy  102
    hhmmss  103, 104
    iso  105
    level  106
    long  107, 108
    mdyy  109
    mdyyyy  110
    mmddyy  111
    mmddyyyy  112
    ngerman  113
    nodate  114, 115, 116
    nodayofweek  117, 118, 119, 120, 121
    oclock  122
    raise  123, 124
    short  125, 126
    text  127
    us  128
    yyyymmdd  129
\pdfdate  130
\pmname  131, 132
\pmstring  133, 134

Q \quarterpast  135
\quarterto  136

S SECOND (counter)  137
seminar package  138
\setdefaultdate  139
\settimeformat  140, 141
\shortdate  142, 143
\shortdayofweekname  144
\shortmonthname  145, 146

T \textdate  147, 148, 149
\THEDAY  150, 151
\timeseparator  160, 161
\today  162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178
TOHOUR (counter)  179
TOMINUTE (counter)  180
\twodigit  181

U \usdate  182

Y YEAR (counter)  183
\year  184
\yyyymmdddate  185

1in fact, you may get an error from the fmtcount package if you are using a language that it doesn’t support.

2thanks to Ulrich Dirr for asking about this

3Note the name change since version 1.1. The command name was changed from \thedate to \formatdate to avoid a name clash when using the seminar class file.

4To be more precise, \today is defined to be \formatdate{\day}{\month}{\year} where \longdate etc change the definition of \formatdate

5Thanks to Denis Bitouzé for asking about this

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