Zastaw ciekawych makroinstrukcji

Przedstawiam Państwu opis wybranych pakietów do LaTeX2e. Wszystkie opisywane makroinstrukcje można znaleźć na CTAN (np.

Chciałbym podkreślić, że jest to mój subiektywny wybór (pakiety do których brak opisu lub opis był w jakimś pogańskim języku albo też był niezrozumiały po 30 s lekturze były uznane za nieprzydatne). Informacje o działaniu pochodzą z książki ,,The LaTeX Companion'' autorów: Michel Gosens, Frank Mittelbach i Aleksander Samarin (ISBN 0-201-54199-8) oraz opisów zawartych w samych pakietach.


opisany; wart zauważenia
pożyteczny, ale nieopisany
nie mam zdania (raczej nie podniecający, ale może się przydać)
użyteczność wątpliwa lub mocno wątpliwa

Temat Pakiety
definiowanie wyglądu tytułów anonchap, appendix, fncychap, hypbmsec, nccsect, secdot, sectsty, slidesec, titlesec, titletoc, tocvsec2
tworzenie dokumentu w postaci pdf cooltooltips, holtxdoc, hothread, hypbmsec, insdljs, pdfcprot, pdflscape, pdfpages, pdfscreen, pdfslides, pdfslide, pdftricks, vpe
numerowani linii ilineno, ledmac, linenox0, lineno, lnopatch, numline
ramki boxedminipage, color, dashbox, fancybox, framed, shadethm, shadow, thmbox, xcolor
terminarz autofilo, calendar, dates, daytime, dow, evautofl, evntlist, evweek, hlist, hml, hmonth, monthly, timesht, timetabl, yearly
wygląd elementów dokumentu adrlist, amsbooka, amsclass, amsdtx, begriff, cclayout, cc4apjrnl, cc4elsart, cc4jt, cc4llncs, cc4siamltex, cc, chappg, combine, cooking, deccomma, decimal, ellipsis, fbithesis, fltpoint, galley2, hanging, icomma, lips, listofsymbols, ltugcomn, ltugproc, magaz, mathdots, memoir, microtype, mwcls, nrcdoc, nrc1, nrc2, nrc, ot1patch, pl, raggedr, ragged2e, ragged, romannum, sepnum, sistyle, tensind, titles, tugboat, unitsdef, units, varsects, xfmgalley, xfm-aip, xfm-arlo, xfm-plain, xfm-tub, xfm-wiley, xfm, xfrac, xhj, york-thesis
grafika bez123, boxedeps, coordsys, curvesls, curves, curve2e, ebezier, eepicemu, eepic, emp, epic, epic, epsfig, epsf, eso-pic, fmp, fullpict, gnuplottex, graphics, graphicx-psmin, graphicx, grfpaste, hilowres, lingtrees, logsys, lsc, makeplot, miniplot, nccpic, overpic, pictex2, pict2e, psfragx, psfrag, pspicture, pstricks, pst-all, pst-blur, pst-char, pst-coil, pst-eps, pst-fill, pst-ghsb, pst-grad, pst-gr3d, pst-key, pst-lens, pst-node, pst-optic, pst-osci, pst-plot, pst-poly, pst-slpe, pst-text, pst-tree, pst-3d, ps4pdf, randbild, rrgtrees, sseq, xypic, xytree
listy, wykazy cjwoutl, enumerate, enumitem, enum, etaremune, expdlist, itemrule, linguex, listliketab, liststyle, mdwlist, multienum, paralist, revnum, shortlst
nagłówki i stopki extramarks, fancyhdr, fancyheadings, fixmarks, fix2col, floatpag, fwlw, head, nccfancyhdr, nopageno, pageno, romanneg, rplain, thumb, underlin, xhead, xmarks
wzory chemiczne aliphat, chemarrow, chemarr, chemcompounds, chemist, chemstr, chemsym, corridx, fusering, hcycle, hetaromh, hetarom, locant, lowcycle, methylen, mhchem, polymers, stree, xymtex
druk ,,dosłowny'' (verbatim), a także listingi programów (konstrukcje w różnych językach programowania, diagramy syntaktyczne) algorithm2e, alltt, clrscode, cmtt, extract, fancyvrb, filecontents, fvrb-ex, grverb, keyvald, listings, listing, method, mftinc, moreverb, newalg, newvbtm, programs, program, pseudocode, shortvrb, sverb, syntax, tcldoc, url, varvbtm, verbasef, verbatim, verbdef, vrbexin
egzaminy, quizy, krzyżówki, pytania/odpowiedzi answers, anufinalexam, crosswrd, dialog, exam, exam, exam, exerquiz, probsoln, qcm, sudoku, web
notatki na marginesie changebar, fixme, framed, marginal, marginnote, marn, mparhack, vruler
ułatwienie konwersji dokumentu do postaci HTML lub przetwarzanie dokumentu HTML/XML foilhtml, frames, hlist, hml, hmonth, hthtml, htmllist, html, justify, ldump, svninfo, typehtml, url, verbatimfiles
kolor blackdvi, colordvi, colorinfo, colortbl, color, framed, pdfcolmk, pstcol, xcolor
wersje dokumentu comment, excludeonly, optional, versions, version, vversion
powiązania, referencje, hiperreferencje autind, backcite, backrefx, bibcheck, biblref, bibref, breakurl, camel, cccite, cc2cite, chapterbib, chbibref, cite, crossreference, drftcite, drftcono, endheads, fancyref, fncylab, hxt-bc, hypbmsec, hypcap, hypernat, iagproc, indxcite, labeldeb, lastpage, overcite, prettyref, refcheck, refcount, refstyle, relabel, saferef, showkeys, showlabels, smartref, titleref, totpages, url, ut-backref, varioref, vrflocal, xr
matematyka 12many, accents, amsbsy, amscd, amsfonts, amsgen, amsmath, amsopn, amssymb, amstext, amsxtra, ams, apjfonts, arcs, arrsy, bbm, bm, braket, cancel, cases, cellspace, circle, commath, complexity, concmath, cursor, dblfont, deccomma, delarray, deleq, dotlessj, dotseqn, easybmat, easyeqn, easymat, easyvector, easy, elmath, empheq07, empheq, eqname, eqnarray, esdiff, eucal, eufrak, eulervm, euler, euscript, exscale, extarrows, fixmath, fleqn, formular, fourier, functan, gauss, harpoon, lamsarrow, leftidx, leqno, mathbbol, mathcmd, mathdesign, mathenv, mathenv, mathpazo, mathpple, maybemath, mdwmath, mdwtab, mhequ, moresize, mtgreek, nath, nccmath, oldstyle, oubraces, overrightarrow, paresse, permute, pmat, proba, proof, qsymbols, semantic, slashed, sobolev, statex, stmaryrd, subeqnarray, subeqn, tccompat, tensind, tensor, tmmaths, undertilde, vdm, xfrac, yhmath, zed-csp
spisy (treści, tabel, rysunków itp.) minitocoff, minitoc-hyper, minitoc, titletoc, tocloft
rysunki (tabele) ,,oblewane'' tekstem, inicjały dropping, floatflt, fraktur, lettrine, nccfloats, wrapfig, wrapft, xinitials
obroty tekstu (i nie tylko) example, lscape, pdflscape, rotate-textures, rotate, rotating, rotfloat, rotpages
liczniki, operacje na licznikach chappg, chngcntr, chngpage, count1to, dcounter, fmtcount, refcount, regcount, remreset, sublabel
używane wewnętrznie przez inne pakiety getwidth, ifoption, inicap, mathscinet, mathtools, mhsetup, pcatcode, rkeyval, textcmds
czas i data advdate, isodateo, printtim, time, time
testowanie przetwarzania, wydruki kontrolne autoerr, changebar, checkend, cmdtrack, colorinfo, diagnose, draftcopy, drftcite, fixme, fnbreak, gdgspace, hilowres, labeldeb, layout, preview, printlen, refcheck, regcount, setspace, showkeys, showlabels, snapshot, somedefs, srcltx, syntonly, tracefnt, trace, typogrid, vertbars, vruler, vversion, xo-grid
dokument hipertekstowy backref, hyperref, hyper, minitoc-hyper, nameref, nohyperref, ntheorem-hyper
diagramy, wykresy słupkowe, schematy bar, bitfield, bytefield, circ, cuisine, dcpic, dnaseq, ecltree, feynmf, feynmp, flow, histogr, kuvio, msc, multibox, nassi, othello, pb-diagram, pb-lams, pb-xy, pmgraph, pndraw, pnets, pntext, qobitree, register, rrgtrees, scalebar, schedule, semantic, synttree, tableau, termcal, textopo, timing, trees, t-angles, youngtab
nuty, muzyka guitar
tworzenie skorowidzów, słowników itp. autind, bibref, compare, docidx2e, docindex, glossary, index, ltxindex, makeidx, repeatindex, robustindex, showidx, sort, splitidx, varindex, xindex
wyróżnienia tekstu ozdobniki (podkreślenia, druk rozstrzelony i t.p.) color, compsci, contour, dashrule, fancyvrb, letterspace, oldstyle, scalefnt, shadbox1, shadbox, slemph, soul, textfit, tracking, ulem, umoline, underscore, ushort, wiggly, xcolor
prezentacje (również PDF) attachfile, automata, beamer, dljslib, eforms, eq2db, exerquiz, fixseminar, flowfram, foils, ha-prosper, ifmslide, insdljs, movie15, obox, pause, pdfpages, pdfscreen, pdfslides, pdfslide, pdftricks, powerdot, powersem, ppr-prv, prosper, schemes, semcolor, semhelv, seminar, semlayer, semlcmss, semrot, sem-page, slidenotes, slidesec, talk, texpower, tpmultiinc, tppstcol, tpsem-a4, tpslifonts, web
skład wielołamowy balance, cuted, fixltx2e, fix2col, flushend, midfloat, multicol, parallel, parrun
przepisy kulinarne cuisine
inne, ciekawe środowiska algorithmic, algorithm2e, algorithm, alg, amsthm, answers, attrib, boxedminipage, ccalgo, ccaux, ccproof, ccqed, ccreltx, ccthm, compactbib, compsci, desclist, enumitem, epigraph, eqlist, eqparbox, exercise, filecontents, framed, fvrb-ex, genmpage, listing, mathenv, mhequ, midpage, msg, nccthm, newalg, newproof, newthm, notes, ntabbing, ntheorem-hyper, ntheorem, outliner, outline, qed, raggedr, ragged2e, sets, smfenum, smfthm, sublabel, sverb, syntax, tabbing, thcc, theorem, thmbox, varwidth, verse, vhistory, xtheorem
akcenty accents, arcs, exaccent, textcomp, undertilde
definiowanie dodatkowych symboli aecompl, amssymb, amsxtra, ams, apjfonts, arrsy, chemarr, chemsym, cjwunits, comicsans, complexity, dblfont, dotlessi, dotlessj, esint, esvect, eurosym, extdash, extpfeil, fourier-orns, fourier, fraktur, galois, gensymb, hhtensor, keystroke, latexsym, manfnt, marvosym, mathcomp, mattens, mflogo, mtgreek, nccbbb, nicefrac, noitcrul, overrightarrow, oz, paresse, psgreek, qsymbols, semantic, semtrans, siunits, sobolev, spanish, statex, tccompat, texlogos, tone, trfsigns, vdm, vector, wasysym
pozostałe pakiety acromake, afterpage, alphanum, askinclude, at, authblk, bits, bophook, boundbox, cchess, clock, comma, conditionals, csvtools, curve, dottex, dvipaste, easytitle, eurofont, euro, fancynum, fink, grabhedr, gradback, harmony, hexdump, indentfirst, juraabbrev, kvmacros, lambda, lazylist, lhelp, listout, makedtx, mathenv, menu, metre, minutes, misc, moredefs, mtcoff, needspace, nomencl, nth, numprint, onepagem, pagepc, path, pcode, plain, relinput, relsize, setdim, shapepar, shorttoc, skak, slownie, songbook, swrule, texmate, tvz-code, tvz-hax, tvz-user, volumes, xcomment, xspace
etykiety, wizytówki envlab, flacards, labels, nicefram, olabels
obiekty ruchome (table, float lub tworzenie nowych) i ich opisy (caption) algorithm, boxhandler, captcont, captdef, caption2, caption, capt-of, ccaption, ccapt2, cuted, dblfloatfix, dpfloat, endfloat, figbib, figcaps, figsize, flafter, floatpag, floatrow, float, fltpage, ftcap, graphfig, here, hhsubfigure, hvfloat, mcaption, midfloat, multicap, nonfloat, photo, placeins, plates, rotating, rotfloat, semioneside, sidecap, stfloats, subfigmat, subfigure, subfig, subfloat, topcapt, xo-capt, xo-float
bibliografia amsrefs, apacite, autind, backrefx, backref, bibcheck, bibentry, bibleref, biblref, bibref, bibtexlogo, bibtopic, bibunits, breakcites, ccdbs, chapterbib, chbibref, chemcono, citehack, citeref, cite, drftcite, easybib, footbib, harvard, har2nat, jeb-bibl, jurabib, listbib, makebst, mcite, mlbib, multibbl, multibib, natbib, opcit, overcite, splitbib, tocbibind, ut-backref
dodatki do jądra LaTeXa clefval, dcounter, diagnose, doafter, docmfp, duplicat, dvipaste, dvipscol, everysel, everyshi, export, filecontents, fonttable, ifmtarg, import, inpmath, keyval, ldcsetup, localloc, l3basics, l3chk, l3doc, l3expan, l3int, l3io, l3names, l3precom, l3prop, l3quark, l3seq, l3tlp, l3toks, mff, morehelp, multido, mwrite, namespc, nccboxes, newclude, newfile, newlfont, nextpage, nolbreaks, notoccite, oldlfont, overword, pagesel, patchcmd, perltex, perpage, plprefix, poligraf, polski, regcount, remreset, rmpage, robustcommand, rtkinenc, savesym, selectp, settobox, subfiles, sublabel, substr, tclldoc, template, texsort, textcase, tokenizer, toklist, toolbox, trace, trace, truncate, twoopt, upref, warning, xdoc2, xkeyval, xoutput, xo-alloc, xo-final, xo-here, xo-new, xo-or, xo-page, xo-place, xo-trace, xparse, xtools
pasery, informacje dla drukarni cropmark, cropmark, crop, ncccropmark, wmcropmark
sterowanie wyglądem dokumentu booklet, cd-cover, classicthesis, coverpage, emulateapj, flacards, fullpage, geometry, hepunits, hep, IEEEconf, layouts, margins, multitoc, nddiss2e, picinpar, pracjourn, rotpages, scale, sciposter, scrlettr, semioneside, showframe, textpos, tocenter, twoup, vmargin, watermark, xpage, 2in1, 2up
podłączanie innych fontów ae, altfont, amsfonts, amssymb, anttor, apjfonts, bembo, bold-extra, cmap, cmlgc, cmmib57, concmath, concrete, couriers, cyinpenc, cyoutenc, cyrlatex, dsfont, duerer-latex, em, eucal, eufrak, eulervm, euscript, everysel, extraipa, extsizes, fix-cm, fourier, frcursive, hfoldsty, lcy, lgreek, lhcyralt, lhcyrkoi, lhcyrwin, lmodern, lucbmath, lucidabr, lucida, lucidbrb, lucidbry, lucmin, lucmtime, luctime, mathbbol, mathdesign, mathpazo, mathpi, mathpple, mathtime, mdwfonts, mff, mf-frak, mtimes, mtpro, mt11p, npsfont, oldgerm, ot2, pandora-latex, pdfcprot, proba, psfonts, psfont, pxfonts, qbookman, qcourier, qpalatin, qpxmath, qpxsc, qswiss, qtimes, qtxmath, qzapfcha, russian, sansmath, sans, sexscale, smallcap, ssqquote, startrek, suetterl, texnansi, tipa, tipx, tmmathm, tmmaths, tmmath, tpcmfont, twcal, txfonts, upgreek, va, vowel, yfonts
biologia biotex, texshade
tablice (tabele), ,,wykończenia tabeli'', pozycjonowanie liczb w tabeli, długie tabele arrayjob, array, arydshln, bigdelim, bigstrut, blkarray, booktabs, colortbl, ctable, dcolumn, delarray, easytable, hhline, listliketab, longtable, ltablex, ltabptch, ltxtable, makecell, mdwtab, multirow, polytable, rccol, slashbox, stabular, supertabular, tabls, tabularx, tabulary, threeparttable, warpcol, xtab, 3parttable
poprawki do jądra LaTeXa lub innych pakietów accents, cuted, dblfloatfix, dvipscol, edtab02, fixltx2e, fixmath, fix2col, fix-cm, flushend, footmisc, ftcap, hypcap, hypernat, iagproc, icomma, inpmath, lnopatch, ltabptch, makebox, mfparptc, mparhack, notoccite, onlyamsmath, pdfcolmk, pdflscape, sphack, subscript, tameflts, textcase, xkvltxp
listy, faxy, korespondencja seryjna delimtxt, formlett, mpdinbrief, newlfm, serial, textmerg
przypisy dblfnote, ednotes, endnotes, fixfoot, floatrow, fnbreak, fnpara, fnpos, fn2end, footmisc, footnpag, ftnright, manyfoot, mfparptc, nccfoots, pagenote, pfnote, savefnmark, xfootnote
obliczenia advdate, arabic, brclc, calc, dates, dow, engord, fp, ifthen, labelcas, lcg, lfp, modroman, multiply, permute, polynom, totpages, trig, weekday, xifthen

Włodzimierz Macewicz

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