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Assessing variable importance in survival analysis using machine learning



The survML package includes functions that can be used to estimate model-free, algorithm-agnostic variable importance when the outcome of interest is subject to right censoring. Specifically, this functionality is aimed at estimating intrinsic variable importance, which is the population-level predictiveness potential of a feature or group of features.

Suppose we have access to a vector X of features, which we wish to use to make a prediction involving T, a time-to-event outcome. We use C to denote the right censoring variable. The observed data are given by (X,Y,Δ), where Δ:=I(TC) and Y:=min(T,C). For an index set s, we use Xs to denote the elements of X with index in s and Xs its complement. For a given prediction task (say, estimating the probability that T is smaller than some landmark time τ) and prediction function f, we require a measure of predictiveness. We let V(f,P0) denote the predictiveness of f under sampling from distribution P0. We define f0,s as the oracle prediction function excluding features with index in s; this is the best possible prediction function, according to V, that uses only Xs.

For intrinsic variable importance, we consider nested index sets rs and define the importance of Xsr relative to Xs as V(f0,r,P0)V(f0,s,P0); this is the difference in maximum achievable predictiveness when only r is excluded compared to when s is excluded. We refer to this parameter as a variable importance measure (VIM). Colloquially, we refer to Xr and Xs as the ‘large’ and ‘small’ feature groups, respectively. Variable importance is assessed by comparing the predictiveness of a model using the large feature group to that of a model using the small feature group.

Due to right censoring, the VIM estimation procedure requires estimates of the conditional survival functions of T and C given X, which we define pointwise as S0(tx):=P0(T>tX=x) and G0(tx):=P0(C>tX=x), respectively. These functions must be estimated over the interval (0,τ] and may be obtained from any conditional survival estimation algorithm. This may be as simple as a Cox proportional hazards model (Cox, 1972) or parametric survival regression model, or as complex as a stacked regression procedure such as survival Super Learner (Westling et al., 2023) or global survival stacking (Wolock et al., 2024).

We also require estimates of the oracle prediction functions f0,r and f0,s, which we refer to as the ‘large’ and ‘small’ oracle prediction functions, respectively, and whose exact form depends on the chosen predictiveness measure. For several commonly used measures, the oracle prediction functions can be written in terms of S0(x). The form of the oracle prediction function for the measures included in survML is given in the Appendix.

Example: Predicting recurrence-free survival time in cancer patients

As an example, we consider estimating variable importance for predicting recurrence-free survival using the gbsg dataset in the survival package. The Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival curve for this dataset is shown below.

km_fit <- survfit(Surv(rfstime, status) ~ 1, data = gbsg)
plot(km_fit, xlab = "Time (days)", ylab = "Recurrence-free survival probability")

We will consider time-varying AUC importance using landmark times of 1000 and 2000 days. The first step is to prepare the data. We use dummy coding for factors. This means that to assess the importance of tumor grade, for example, which has three levels, we create two dummy variables called tumgrad2 and tumgrad3 and consider them as a single feature group. We also consider the feature groups defined by tumor-level features and patient-level features.

### variables of interest
# rfstime - recurrence-free survival
# status - censoring indicator
# hormon - hormonal therapy treatment indicator
# age - in years
# meno - 1 = premenopause, 2 = post
# size - tumor size in mm
# grade - factor 1,2,3
# nodes - number of positive nodes
# pgr - progesterone receptor in fmol
# er - estrogen receptor in fmol

# create dummy variables and clean data
gbsg$tumgrad2 <- ifelse(gbsg$grade == 2, 1, 0)
gbsg$tumgrad3 <- ifelse(gbsg$grade == 3, 1, 0)
gbsg <- gbsg %>% na.omit() %>% select(-c(pid, grade))

time <- gbsg$rfstime
event <- gbsg$status
X <- gbsg %>% select(-c(rfstime, status)) # remove outcome 

# find column indices of features/feature groups
X_names <- names(X)
age_index <- paste0(which(X_names == "age"))
meno_index <- paste0(which(X_names == "meno"))
size_index <- paste0(which(X_names == "size"))
nodes_index <- paste0(which(X_names == "nodes"))
pgr_index <- paste0(which(X_names == "pgr"))
er_index <- paste0(which(X_names == "er"))
hormon_index <- paste0(which(X_names == "hormon"))
grade_index <- paste0(which(X_names %in% c("tumgrad2", "tumgrad3")), collapse = ",")
tum_index <- paste0(which(X_names %in% c("size", "nodes", "pgr", "er", "tumgrad2", "tumgrad3")),
                    collapse = ",")
person_index <- paste0(which(X_names %in% c("age", "meno", "hormon")), collapse = ",")

feature_group_names <- c("age", "meno.", "size", "nodes",
                         "prog.", "estro.", "hormone", 
feature_groups <- c(age_index, meno_index, size_index, nodes_index,
                    pgr_index, er_index, hormon_index, grade_index)

Estimating variable importance relative to all features

First, we consider the importance of each of the feature groups relative to the full feature vector. Here, the features of interest are subtracted from the full feature vector, with importance measured by the resulting loss in predictiveness.

First, we estimate the importance of age relative to the full feature vector using the vim() function. In this case, we will compare the AUC achieved when all features are included to the AUC when all features except for age are included; therefore, the large_feature_vector consists of all features, and the small_feature_vector consists of all features except for age.

There are three options for estimating the nuisance functions (conditional survival functions and two oracle prediction functions). Briefly, they include

  1. Use survML’s built-in algorithms, which are based on using stackG() to estimate the conditional survival functions and SuperLearner() to estimate the oracle prediction functions.
  2. Provide a function to estimate each nuisance.
  3. Provide pre-computed estimates for each nuisance.

These are ordered from least to most flexible; in this vignette, we focus on (1).

To reduce runtime, we use a very small Super Learner library and large bin_size to estimate the conditional survival nuisance functions (see stackG() documentation), as well as the two oracle prediction functions. We also use two-fold cross-fitting (i.e, set cf_fold_num = 2) and two-fold cross-validation for nuisance estimation (i.e., set V = 2 for each nuisance estimator). In actual analyses, it is generally a good idea to use a larger library of learners and more cross-fitting folds.

Note that we also set sample_split = TRUE. In order to obtain valid inference under the null hypothesis of zero importance, sample splitting is required. If this option is set to FALSE, no p-value will be return, and caution should be used when interpreting the resulting confidence interval.

# landmark times for AUC
landmark_times <- c(1000, 2000)

output <- vim(type = "AUC",
              time = time,
              event = event,
              X = X,
              landmark_times = landmark_times,
              large_feature_vector = 1:ncol(X),
              small_feature_vector = (1:ncol(X))[-as.numeric(age_index)],
              conditional_surv_generator_control = list(SL.library = c("SL.mean", "SL.glm"),
                                                        V = 2,
                                                        bin_size = 0.5),
              large_oracle_generator_control = list(SL.library = c("SL.mean", "SL.glm"),
                                                    V = 2),
              small_oracle_generator_control = list(SL.library = c("SL.mean", "SL.glm"),
                                                    V = 2),
              cf_fold_num = 2,
              sample_split = FALSE,
              scale_est = TRUE)
#> Warning: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> Warning: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> Warning: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
#> Warning: glm.fit: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
output$result$indx <- rep(age_index, nrow(output$result))
output$result$indx_name <- rep("age", nrow(output$result))
#>   landmark_time        est   var_est cil         ciu cil_1sided  p
#> 1          1000 0.00000000 0.0110356   0 0.006280835          0 NA
#> 2          2000 0.01608993 0.1983774   0 0.049419692          0 NA
#>   large_predictiveness small_predictiveness vim large_feature_vector
#> 1            0.7164785            0.7180588 AUC    1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
#> 2            0.7261368            0.7100469 AUC    1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
#>   small_feature_vector indx indx_name
#> 1      2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9    1       age
#> 2      2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9    1       age

If we want to examine other features, we could simply repeat the above call to vim(), substituting in the correct large_feature_vector and small_feature_vector. However, this would be computationally inefficient, as many of the nuisance functions needed to estimate the other VIMs are identical to what was required to estimate the importance of age. In this case, the conditional survival functions of T and C, as well as the large oracle prediction function, are the same for each feature group of interest; all that changes as we iterate over different feature groups is the small oracle prediction function. Note that in addition to the results data frame (output$results), the vim() function also returned several other objects:

As we examine the importance of other features relative to the full feature vector, we can recycle conditional_surv_preds and large_oracle_preds (which requires us to use the same folds and approx_times as well). We can then look at the results for all feature groups.

# save the objects that we will reuse
saved_conditional_surv_preds <- output$conditional_surv_preds
saved_large_oracle_preds <- output$large_oracle_preds
saved_folds <- output$folds
saved_approx_times <- output$approx_times

pooled_output <- output$result # save the results for age

# iterate over other feature groups
for (i in 2:length(feature_group_names)){
  indx_char <- feature_groups[i]
  indx_name <- feature_group_names[i]
  indx <- as.numeric(strsplit(indx_char, split = ",")[[1]])
  output <- vim(type = "AUC",
                time = time,
                event = event,
                X = X,
                landmark_times = landmark_times,
                approx_times = saved_approx_times,
                large_feature_vector = 1:ncol(X),
                small_feature_vector = (1:ncol(X))[-indx],
                conditional_surv_preds = saved_conditional_surv_preds,
                large_oracle_preds = saved_large_oracle_preds,
                cf_folds = saved_folds$cf_folds,
                ss_folds = saved_folds$ss_folds,
                small_oracle_generator_control = list(SL.library = c("SL.mean", "SL.glm"),
                                                      V = 2),
                sample_split = TRUE,
                scale_est = TRUE)
  output$result$indx <- rep(indx_char, nrow(output$result))
  output$result$indx_name <- rep(indx_name, nrow(output$result))
  pooled_output <- rbind(pooled_output, output$result)

plot_results <- function(results, plot_title){
  # plot results
  p_auc <- results %>%
    mutate(landmark_time = factor(landmark_time,
                                  levels = c(1000, 2000),
                                  labels = c("1000 days", "2000 days"))) %>%
    arrange(landmark_time, est) %>%
    mutate(Order = row_number()) %>%
    {ggplot(., aes(x = est, y = Order)) +
        geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin = cil, xmax = ciu)) +
        geom_point() +
        theme_bw() +
        xlab("Estimated importance") +
        ylab("Feature group") +
        xlim(c(0,0.5)) +
          breaks = .$Order,
          labels = .$indx_name,
        ) + 
        facet_wrap(~landmark_time, dir = "v", strip.position = "right", scales = "free_y", ncol = 1) + 
        theme(strip.background = element_blank(),
              strip.placement = "outside")

p_auc <- plot_results(pooled_output, "AUC variable importance relative to full feature vector")
#> Warning: Removed 14 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_errorbarh()`).
#> Warning: Removed 14 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_point()`).

We can also look at the importance of all tumor-level features and all person-level features relative to the full feature vector.

# consider joint importance of all tumor-level and person-level features
feature_group_names2 <- c("tumor", "person")
feature_groups2 <- c(tum_index, person_index)
# repeat the analysis for feature groups
for (i in 1:length(feature_group_names2)){
  indx_char <- feature_groups2[i]
  indx_name <- feature_group_names2[i]
  indx <- as.numeric(strsplit(indx_char, split = ",")[[1]])
  output <- vim(type = "AUC",
                time = time,
                event = event,
                X = X,
                landmark_times = landmark_times,
                approx_times = saved_approx_times,
                large_feature_vector = 1:ncol(X),
                small_feature_vector = (1:ncol(X))[-indx],
                conditional_surv_preds = saved_conditional_surv_preds,
                large_oracle_preds = saved_large_oracle_preds,
                small_oracle_generator_control = list(SL.library = c("SL.mean", "SL.glm"),
                                                      V = 2),
                cf_folds = saved_folds$cf_folds,
                ss_folds = saved_folds$ss_folds,
                sample_split = TRUE,
                scale_est = TRUE)
  output$result$indx <- rep(indx_char, nrow(output$result))
  output$result$indx_name <- rep(indx_name, nrow(output$result))
  if (!(i == 1)){
    pooled_output <- rbind(pooled_output, output$result)
  } else{
    pooled_output <- output$result

p_auc <- plot_results(pooled_output, "AUC variable importance relative to full feature vector (groups)")
#> Warning: Removed 4 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_errorbarh()`).
#> Warning: Removed 4 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_point()`).

Estimating variable importance relative to base model

Next, we consider the importance of each of the tumor-level features relative to a baseline set of person-level features. Here, the feature of interest is added to a baseline set of features, with importance measured by the resulting gain in predictiveness.

For this analysis, the large oracle predictions use baseline features plus the feature of interest, and the small oracle predictions use only baseline features. This means that we can recycle the small oracle predictions over all feature groups. (NB: vim() takes care of this under the hood, but it is worth noting that the large and small oracle prediction functions for this analysis are estimated by regressing the conditional survival function estimates given all features on the relevant reduced feature set. As in the previous analysis, this step is necessary to account for censoring that may be informed by covariates, even those which are not included in the current set of predictors.)

# For importance relative to baseline features, the 'small' model uses only person-level (baseline) features
# The 'large' model uses baseline + feature of interest
size_index <- paste0(c(size_index, person_index), collapse = ",")
nodes_index <- paste0(c(nodes_index, person_index), collapse = ",")
pgr_index <- paste0(c(pgr_index, person_index), collapse = ",")
er_index <- paste0(c(er_index, person_index), collapse = ",")
grade_index <- paste0(c(grade_index, person_index), collapse = ",")

feature_group_names <- c("size", "nodes", "prog.", "estro.", "grade")
feature_groups <- c(size_index, nodes_index,
                    pgr_index, er_index, grade_index)

person_index_numeric <- as.numeric(strsplit(person_index, split = ",")[[1]])

for (i in 1:length(feature_group_names)){
  indx_char <- feature_groups[i]
  indx_name <- feature_group_names[i]
  indx <- as.numeric(strsplit(indx_char, split = ",")[[1]])
  if (i == 1){
    output <- vim(type = "AUC",
                time = time,
                event = event,
                X = X,
                landmark_times = landmark_times,
                approx_times = saved_approx_times,
                large_feature_vector = indx,
                small_feature_vector =  person_index_numeric,
                conditional_surv_preds = saved_conditional_surv_preds,
                large_oracle_generator_control = list(SL.library = c("SL.mean", "SL.glm"),
                                                      V = 2),
                small_oracle_generator_control = list(SL.library = c("SL.mean", "SL.glm"),
                                                      V = 2),
                cf_folds = saved_folds$cf_folds,
                ss_folds = saved_folds$ss_folds,
                sample_split = TRUE,
                scale_est = TRUE)
    saved_small_oracle_preds <- output$small_oracle_preds
  } else{
    output <- vim(type = "AUC",
                time = time,
                event = event,
                X = X,
                landmark_times = landmark_times,
                approx_times = saved_approx_times,
                large_feature_vector = indx,
                small_feature_vector =  person_index_numeric,
                conditional_surv_preds = saved_conditional_surv_preds,
                small_oracle_preds = saved_small_oracle_preds,
                large_oracle_generator_control = list(SL.library = c("SL.mean", "SL.glm"),
                                                      V = 2),
                cf_folds = saved_folds$cf_folds,
                ss_folds = saved_folds$ss_folds,
                sample_split = TRUE,
                scale_est = TRUE)
  output$result$indx <- rep(indx_char, nrow(output$result))
  output$result$indx_name <- rep(indx_name, nrow(output$result))
  if (!(i == 1)){
    pooled_output <- rbind(pooled_output, output$result)
  } else{
    pooled_output <- output$result

p_auc <- plot_results(pooled_output, "AUC variable importance relative to person-level features")
#> Warning: Removed 10 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_errorbarh()`).
#> Warning: Removed 10 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_point()`).

Adjustment variables

There may be covariates that are thought to influence both T and C but are not of scientific interest in terms of variable importance. (We may think of these covariates as analogous to confounders in a causal inference setting.) It is important to adjust for these variables in all analyses. In the gbsg analysis, for example, we may wish to adjust for person-level covariates age, menopausal status, and hormone treatment therapy, but to assess variable importance using only the predictiveness of tumor-level covariates.

We use r to denote the index set of adjustment variables, and again use s to denote the index set of variables of interest. The importance of Xs relative to Xr (i.e., the full covariate vector excluding adjustment variables) is given by V(f0,r,P0)V(f0,(rs),P0).

Here, we analyze VIM relative to tumor-level covariates, while adjusting for person-level covariates. This time, the large feature vector consists of all features except for person-level features, and remains the same as we examine each of the other feature groups. Note that in the first iteration of the loop, we save the large oracle prediction function estimates to recycle for other feature group VIM estimates.

size_index <- paste0(c(size_index, person_index), collapse = ",")
nodes_index <- paste0(c(nodes_index, person_index), collapse = ",")
pgr_index <- paste0(c(pgr_index, person_index), collapse = ",")
er_index <- paste0(c(er_index, person_index), collapse = ",")
grade_index <- paste0(c(grade_index, person_index), collapse = ",")

feature_group_names <- c("size", "nodes", "prog.", "estro.", "grade")
feature_groups <- c(size_index, nodes_index,
                    pgr_index, er_index, grade_index)

for (i in 1:length(feature_group_names)){
  indx_char <- feature_groups[i]
  indx_name <- feature_group_names[i]
  indx <- as.numeric(strsplit(indx_char, split = ",")[[1]])
  if (i == 1){
     output <- vim(type = "AUC",
                time = time,
                event = event,
                X = X,
                landmark_times = landmark_times,
                approx_times = saved_approx_times,
                large_feature_vector = (1:ncol(X))[-person_index_numeric],
                small_feature_vector =  (1:ncol(X))[-indx],
                conditional_surv_preds = saved_conditional_surv_preds,
                large_oracle_generator_control = list(SL.library = c("SL.mean", "SL.glm"),
                                                      V = 2),
                small_oracle_generator_control = list(SL.library = c("SL.mean", "SL.glm"),
                                                      V = 2),
                cf_folds = saved_folds$cf_folds,
                ss_folds = saved_folds$ss_folds,
                sample_split = TRUE,
                scale_est = TRUE)
     saved_large_oracle_preds <- output$large_oracle_preds
  } else{
     output <- vim(type = "AUC",
                time = time,
                event = event,
                X = X,
                landmark_times = landmark_times,
                approx_times = saved_approx_times,
                large_feature_vector = (1:ncol(X))[-person_index_numeric],
                small_feature_vector =  (1:ncol(X))[-indx],
                conditional_surv_preds = saved_conditional_surv_preds,
                large_oracle_preds = saved_large_oracle_preds,
                small_oracle_generator_control = list(SL.library = c("SL.mean", "SL.glm"),
                                                      V = 2),
                cf_folds = saved_folds$cf_folds,
                ss_folds = saved_folds$ss_folds,
                sample_split = TRUE,
                scale_est = TRUE)
  output$result$indx <- rep(indx_char, nrow(output$result))
  output$result$indx_name <- rep(indx_name, nrow(output$result))
  if (!(i == 1)){
    pooled_output <- rbind(pooled_output, output$result)
  } else{
    pooled_output <- output$result

p_auc <- plot_results(pooled_output, "Adjusted AUC variable importance relative to all tumor-level features")
#> Warning: Removed 10 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_errorbarh()`).
#> Warning: Removed 10 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_point()`).


Some example predictiveness measures, along with the corresponding oracle prediction functions, are given below.


The survival variable importance methodology is described in

Charles J. Wolock, Peter B. Gilbert, Noah Simon and Marco Carone. “Assessing variable importance in survival analysis using machine learning.” In press, Biometrika (2024).

Other references:

David R. Cox. “Regression Models and Life-Tables.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological) (1972).

Ted Westling, Alex Luedtke, Peter B. Gilbert and Marco Carone. “Inference for treatment-specific survival curves using machine learning.” Journal of the American Statistical Association (2023).

Charles J. Wolock, Peter B. Gilbert, Noah Simon and Marco Carone. “A framework for leveraging machine learning tools to estimate personalized survival curves.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (2024).

Mark J. van der Laan, Eric C. Polley and Alan E. Hubbard. “Super learner.” Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology (2007).

Daniel Rubin and Mark J. van der Laan. “A doubly robust censoring unbiased transformation.” International Journal of Biostatistics (2007).

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