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The dsld Package: Data Science Looks at Discrimination

What this package is about

Discrimination, be it racial, gender, age or whatever, is often a major topic, and a natural application of Data Science. This package consists of graphical/tabular and analytical methods toward this end.

The package enables analysis of two quite different aspects of discrimination involving a sensitive variable S, an outcome variable Y, and a vector of covariates X:

Form of the package

Many of the functions in the package are wrappers for functions in base-R, qeML and other packages, with the wrappers adding discrimination analysis-specific features. For example, dsldLinear wraps the standard R linear model function lm (via qeLin), but adds dummy variables for the levels of the sensitive variable S, and forms standard errors for their difference in conditional mean Y. It also allows the user to specify that interaction terms between X and S be included. If say S is race, this enables comparison between Black and white, Black and Hispanic and so on, at specified X values.

Care has been taken to design a uniform interface to dsld functions. In most cases, the first three arguments are

Most analytical functions are paired with generic predict functions, and in some cases with generic plot.

Analytical operations

Treatment comparison in the presence of confounders

Consider the dataset lsa, built into qeML, a modified version of the dataset that is a common example in ML circles.


#  [1] "age"      "decile1"  "decile3"  "fam_inc"  "lsat"     "ugpa"
#  [7] "gender"   "race1"    "cluster"  "fulltime" "bar"

shows the predictors as consisting of age, two decile scores for first- and third-year law school grades, and so on. (This is of course an observational dataset. While there may be methodological issues—possible collider effect, “predicting” the past etc.–here we are simply demonstrating the software.)

We’ll take Y to be LSAT score, with S being race. There has been concern that the LSAT and other similar tests are biased against Black and Latino students, and might otherwise have racial issues. Let’s investigate, using dsld, trying a linear model.

z <- dsldLinear(lsa,'lsat','race1')
# $`Summary Coefficients`
#      Covariate    Estimate StandardError       PValue
# 1  (Intercept) 31.98578856   0.448435264 0.000000e+00
# 2          age  0.02082458   0.005841758 3.641634e-04
# 3      decile1  0.12754812   0.020946536 1.134602e-09
# 4      decile3  0.21495015   0.020918737 0.000000e+00
# 5      fam_inc  0.30085804   0.035953051 0.000000e+00
# 6         ugpa -0.27817274   0.080430542 5.430993e-04
# 7   gendermale  0.51377385   0.060037102 0.000000e+00
# 8   race1black -4.74826307   0.198088318 0.000000e+00
# 9    race1hisp -2.00145969   0.203504412 0.000000e+00
# 10  race1other -0.86803104   0.262528590 9.449471e-04
# 11  race1white  1.24708760   0.154627086 6.661338e-16
# 12    cluster2 -5.10668358   0.119798362 0.000000e+00
# 13    cluster3 -2.43613709   0.074744210 0.000000e+00
# 14    cluster4  1.21094567   0.088478368 0.000000e+00
# 15    cluster5  3.79427535   0.124476695 0.000000e+00
# 16    cluster6 -5.53216090   0.210750853 0.000000e+00
# 17   fulltime2 -1.38882076   0.116212777 0.000000e+00
# 18     barTRUE  1.74973262   0.102818692 0.000000e+00
# $`Sensitive Factor Level Comparisons`
#    Factors Compared Estimates Standard Errors      P-Value
# 1     asian - black  4.748263       0.1980883 0.000000e+00
# 2      asian - hisp  2.001460       0.2035044 0.000000e+00
# 3     asian - other  0.868031       0.2625286 9.449471e-04
# 4     asian - white -1.247088       0.1546271 6.661338e-16
# 5      black - hisp -2.746803       0.1863750 0.000000e+00
# 6     black - other -3.880232       0.2515488 0.000000e+00
# 7     black - white -5.995351       0.1409991 0.000000e+00
# 8      hisp - other -1.133429       0.2562971 9.764506e-06
# 9      hisp - white -3.248547       0.1457509 0.000000e+00
# 10    other - white -2.115119       0.2194472 0.000000e+00

So again, Y is the LSAT score, S is race and the X variables are the remaining columns. Note that factor variables have been converted (by lm, called from dsldLinear) to dummies such as race1black.

As can be seen above, we can use the generic summary function to inspect coefficients and other output. (The call is dispatched to summary.dsldLM.) Again, note that much of the information here is specific to discrimination issues, reflecting the fact that dsld wrappers enhance output with discrimination-related material.

Let’s look at two variables in particular, fam_inc and race1black, whose estimated coefficients are 0.3009 and -4.7483, respectively, with standard errors of about 0.0360 and 0.1981.

Family income here is reported in quintiles, i.e. it takes on the values 1,2,3,4,5. We see that the difference between, say, the 3rd and 4th quintiles in terms of mean LSAT is about 0.3 point. That’s minuscule in view of the fact that LSAT scores in this dataset ranged from 11 to 48 points.

By contrast, being African-American (relative to the default, which happens to be Asian here) accounts for a mean difference of nearly 5 points.

This is of interest in a couple of aspects. First, though test scores do tend to be correlated with family income and indeed that 0.3009 number is statistically significant – p-value 0 to six figures – its practical significance is very small.

Second, the data suggest that even African-Americans from, say, middle class families fare relatively poorly on the LSAT. This does not necessarily imply that there is “something wrong” with the LSAT, but it does call for more detailed analysis.

What about Black vs. white scores? We see that the difference in dummy variables for Black and white scores is about 6.0000 points with a standard error of 0.1410. The other differences are reported as well.

This is another example of the extra capabilities that dsldLinear adds to the base-R lm. While the standard errors for the racial differences could be derived by applying R’s vcov function to the output of lm, this would require background the distribution of linear combinations of random variables, something many users do not have; dsld provides it automatically.

Fair prediction

The setting of interest, as mentioned, is that in which we wish to predict Y from X while limiting the influence of S. Note the word limiting; we generally cannot fully limit the impact of S, due to proxies, variables that are correlated with S yet which we need to achieve reasonable predictive accuracy. This leads to the the Fairness/Utility Tradeoff: The more we emphasize fairness, i.e. the smaller the role we allow S and the proxies to play in predicting Y, the lesser our utility, i.e. predictive accuracy.

Many methods have been proposed for dealing with this tradeoff, some of which are included in the package. Here is an example using the dsldFgrrm function, a wrapper for a function in the fairml package. It consists of a modified logistic model, with a LASSO-style shrinking mechanism that limits the effect of S. The degree of limitation is specified by the unfairness argument, a value in (0,1]; smaller values mean more fairness.

The compas dataset involves the COMPAS software package, a commercial product used by judges to help decide sentences given to convicted criminals. It address the question, “How likely is this person to commit another crime, say in the next two years?”

Some have claimed that the algorithm is biased against certain racial minorities. The dataset allows us to explore alternatives, say a simple logit model with limitations on S.

#  [1] "age"             "juv_fel_count"   "decile_score"    "juv_misd_count" 
#  [5] "juv_other_count" "v_decile_score"  "priors_count"    "sex"            
#  [9] "two_year_recid"  "race"            "c_jail_in"       "c_jail_out"     
# [13] "c_offense_date"  "screening_date"  "in_custody"      "out_custody"    
cmps <- compas[,c('age','juv_fel_count','juv_misd_count',
  age juv_fel_count juv_misd_count priors_count    sex two_year_recid
1  69             0              0            0   Male             No
2  34             0              0            0   Male            Yes
3  24             0              0            4   Male            Yes
6  44             0              0            0   Male             No
7  41             0              0           14   Male            Yes
9  39             0              0            0 Female             No
1            Other
2 African-American
3 African-American
6            Other
7        Caucasian
9        Caucasian

First, let’s run the code with unfairness = 1, no attempt at all the reduce the impact of S. We’ll try predicting whether someone like the second person in the dataset will recidivate.

z100 <- dsldFgrrm(cmps,'two_year_recid','race',1)
# [1] 0.3756553

The logit analysis estimates a probability of about 37%.

Now let’s try setting unfairness = 0.10.

z010 <- dsldFgrrm(cmps,'two_year_recid','race',0.10)
# [1] 0.3244952

Now limiting the effect of this person’s race – he is African-American – the probability reduces to 32%.

Graphical/tabular operations

The package includes an extensive set of functions for graphical and tabular operations.

dsldConditDisparity example

For instance, continuing the law school example, consider the code


We will graph the relation between bar passage and the LSAT, by race.

alt text
alt text

Notably, all the nonwhite groups exhibited similar outcomes. However, all the groups, both white and nonwhite, converge at the higher LSAT score.

dsldFrequencyByS example

As another example, consider the svcensus file included with the package, which consists of some year 2000 census data for programmers and engineers in Silicon Valley.

# [1] "age"     "educ"    "occ"     "wageinc" "wkswrkd" "gender" 

Say we are interested in investigating possible wage discrimination in wages. We may, for example, suspect that education is a confounder. Let’s take a look, using the dsldConfounders function.

dsldFrequencyByS(svcensus, cName = "educ", sName = "gender")
#        Frequency of zzzOther Frequency of 14 Frequency of 16
# female             0.2068052      0.02098615       0.7722086
# male               0.2177579      0.04110130       0.7411408

(Codes 14 and 16 are for Master’s and PhD, respectively.)

No, men and women seem to have very similar patterns of education.

How about occupation? There are six occupational codes.

dsldFrequencyByS(svcensus, cName = "occ", sName = "gender")
#$        Frequency of 102 Frequency of 101 Frequency of 100 Frequency of 141
#$ female        0.3117359        0.2349226        0.3274246       0.04258354
#$ male          0.2016862        0.2203267        0.3433671       0.01923330
#$        Frequency of 140 Frequency of 106
#$ female       0.02587612       0.05745721
#$ male         0.04446055       0.17092610

Here there seems to be a substantial gender difference. But does it matter? Let’s see how wages vary by occupation.

#      100      101      102      106      140      141 
# 50396.47 51373.53 68797.72 53639.86 67019.26 69494.44 

Yes, there is quite a bit of variation. So, we might consider treating occupation as a confounder but not education.

dsldFreqParCoord example

It is always difficult to visualize in more than two dimensions. One technique for doing this is parallel coordinates.

Say our dataset has p columns. Each column will correspond to one vertical section in our graph. For each row of data, we draw polygonal line horizontally, with the height at vertical section i equal to the value of variable i for that row. (Typically we center and scale each variable.)

So, each row forms a pattern. The function dsldFreqParCoord displays the m most commonly-appearing patterns from each level of S. (Two patterns are treated as equal if they are near each other in a k-nearest neighbor sense; k is an argument to the function.)

Here we try it on the lsa data, with m = 75:

lsa1 <- lsa[,c('fam_inc','ugpa','gender','lsat','race1')]
alt text
alt text

Some interesting aspects arise:

dsldTakeALookAround example

In Fair ML applications, we wish to find a subset C of the columns of X that is a “sweet spot” in the Fairness/Utility Tradeoff. The function dsldTakeALookAround can be helpful in this regard. It has a 3-column output:

Here accuracy is mean absolute prediction error for numeric Y, overall misclassification rate for binary/categorical Y.

Except for sampling variation, (b) should be greater than (c), but if the difference is small, it says that C can stand on its own, not needing S – i.e. good Utility. We wish (c) to be small, in that it suggests that C does not contain proxies.

dsldTakeALookAround(svcensus, 'wageinc', 'gender', 4)
#           Feature Names        a        b     c
# 1                   age 32947.19 30873.18 0.237
# 2                  educ 31047.38 30125.06 0.221
# 3                   occ 32078.79 29177.58 0.229
# 4               wkswrkd 26037.21 26058.17 0.261
# 5              age,educ 31217.78 31711.95 0.233
# 6               age,occ 29932.83 32332.44 0.234
# 7           age,wkswrkd 27469.78 26000.03 0.243
# 8              educ,occ 29997.97 32611.99 0.276
# 9          educ,wkswrkd 25470.76 28206.85 0.266
# 10          occ,wkswrkd 26735.07 25138.36 0.253
# 11         age,educ,occ 30972.33 28336.55 0.245
# 12     age,educ,wkswrkd 26365.74 25159.97 0.224
# 13      age,occ,wkswrkd 26893.18 26487.06 0.266
# 14     educ,occ,wkswrkd 27039.72 26353.69 0.226
# 15 age,educ,occ,wkswrkd 25278.55 25474.90 0.250

For instance, the predictor set age, educ and wkswrkd seems good.

Python interface

Many dsld functions have Python interfaces. See the .py files in inst/Python. The user’s machine must have the Python libraries pandas and rpy2 installed, the latter serving to translate Python calls to R calls.

We note that the code should be considered “beta.”

Below is an example, run from the Python interactive REPL (‘>>>’ prompt), the latter running in inst/Python. We fit a linear model and run summary.

import rpy2.robjects as robjects
from dsldLinear_Py_R import dsldPyLinear, dsldPyDiffS, dsldPyLinearSummary

robjects.r('svcensus$occ <- as.factor(svcensus$occ)')
robjects.r('svcensus$gender <- as.factor(svcensus$gender)')
robjects.r('svcensus$educ <- as.factor(svcensus$educ)')
data = robjects.r['svcensus'] 

dsldLinRObject = dsldPyLinear(data, 'wageinc', 'gender')

Associated textbook

The package is paired with a free Quarto textbook. The book is not an extended user manual for the package; instead, it is a presentation of the underlying concepts, using the package to illustrate those concepts.,

Full function list, by category

Type vignette(‘Function_List’).

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